Hartford’s dilemma

| September 14, 2010

Last week I wrote about the Hartford, Connecticut city council which extended an invitation to a local imam to give the opening prayer for their meeting. Apparently, the city council was frightened off the offer because of “hateful email” and recinded their offer to Imam Kashif, who, in turn, gave his prayer outside of City Hall anyway.

“I don’t want anyone to think we’re bowing down (to the emails). One guy responded, “We won.” And it was the hardest email I had to read,” Councilman Luis Cotto said, choking back tears.

Oh, boo-fricken-hoo. So the council had a moment of silence instead of the prayer and that didn’t please anyone either.

…some who attended Monday’s prayer vigil said the silence is letting the haters have the last word.

You know the city council could have avoided this whole thing if they’d just done their job without trying to make a cultural point about something that really has nothing to do with governing Hartford. Then they wouldn’t have had to bawl in public and have an impotent “moment of silence”.

Thanks to Old Trooper for the link to the update/

Category: Politics

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Honestly, there’s no reason to have a mushlam opening prayer if there are no mushlams on the board. Do they normally have an opening prayer? Are they all believers in one true GOD not referred to as allah (pbuh)? Then they just brought a controversy on themselves by attempting to cater to something that didn’t need to be catered to. We are NOT a mushlam country and never will be. We ARE, despite what our ‘dear leader’ thinks, a CHRISTIAN nation and should open our government meetings with honoring our NATION and praying to the creator of this great nation. When mushlams get elected, then I guess we’ll cross that bridge if we ever get to it.

Stop the madness, really.


Whether or not God is in your heart, he does not ask to be put on your agenda. (Disclaimer: That is my humble opinion only… I have not been in communication with God.)


I don’t really get the notion of having to start a city council meeting with a prayer of any sort. The way things are fiscally, I’d say the citizens should start each session with a threat.

Matt Ryan

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I concur with a couple other posters…..is there really a need to formally acknowledge some deity or another to start a governmental or public occasion?

I had always thought that faith was the personal relationship between you and your god [if you believe at all]?