Responses to the Fort Hood Protests.

| August 24, 2010

Some of the responses to the Fort Hood protest Fail are worth looking at.

This was posted over on the Rag Blog, a site I have been following for sometime now. So I wanted to highlight two posts there.

Great story, Al, and three cheers for these courageous war resisters! This is how the war in Viet Nam was finally brought home, by the active participation and leadership from veterans and now, as significantly, from active duty family members.

I also remember the Oakland draft protests that stopped the troop trains in, I think, 1965 Based, as are these present protests, in total solidarity with the soldiers who are being sent to die in the meat grinder of capitalism.

We know why kids enlist. Fun, travel, adventure — and now, promises of relevant training and education in a tight, competitive employment market. For working single parents, it can be the only way to support a family. And certainly, the courts continue to channel youthful offenders to the military to get some “discipline”.

But the so-called all-volunteer military is no more voluntary than it has ever been. In times of economic prosperity, a draft is needed to support the personnel requirements of war. In times of recession or depression, it isn’t. But we don’t have to send our military off to fight and die as oppressors. Can’t we think of useful, peaceful work that can be done here?

Besides the obvious, has anyone even heard of these Oakland protests? If they did happen in 1965 you can see how much of a impact they really had. Very similar to the Fort Hood protests.

The second was was to me.

I say RIGHT ON to the veterans & military family members who took part in this blockade/protest action!!!

@ masterspork who suggests we should be “looking into Matthis Chiroux past” I have this to say:

In March 2008 Matthis was a soldier at the US Army’s 5 Corps in Heidelberg Germany when myself and another Vietnam vet named Darnell Summers addressed the troops during a 24 protest at the entrance to this base. I ended my speech saying:

“To you other men and women on guard duty or listening out of the barracks windows I have this to ask: Are you going to be a sucker for the lying politicians? Are you going to be a mindless fool and obediently march off to take part in the murderous occupation of people in a foreign land who never did you any harm? Or are you going to follow the great traditions of GIs during the Vietnam War by Refusing, Resisting and Rebelling against this unjust war? The choice is your’s. Do the right thing!”

I first directly met Matthis in April 2009 immediately following the mass anti NATO protests in France which I also took part in.

To see a news article about his role during this 4 day protest action see:

From these past actions; through his flag burning back in March of this year; up to his present work supporting GI Resistance Matthis appears to be following the slogan of the GI Movement during Vietnam: “MAKE YOU OWN HISTORY–OR THE MAN WILL MAKE IT FOR YOU!!”

So once again it is more important about what he is supporting then who he is. Also this person goes by the name Dave. Does that ring a bell about who this person is?

Also with this in mind I found a article that states that the “anti-Troop” message of the Vietnam era protesters was just a myth of the media. I wonder if when they will do that for the OIF/OEF.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War

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Southern Class

Losers have to stick together, bolster eachothers arguments, and applaud all their non-event events.
More funnies to chuckle over.


Hey, they get to talk big, smoke pot and meet girls– hasn’t changed much since the ’60s.

B Woodman

Self-delusional pot smoking hippies.
Reminds me of the old joke told on the Indian Res.
“What’s the one thing the village elders have in common?”
“One set of teeth.”

Update and transcribe that to:
“What’s the one thing a gaggle of hippies have in common?”
“One set of brain cells.”

‘Nuff said.

Old Tanker

so-called all-volunteer military is no more voluntary than it has ever been.

Huh? Did I miss something.

In times of economic prosperity, a draft is needed to support the personnel requirements of war.

So when the war broke out and the economy was humming along nicely there was a secret draft none of us knew about?


This guy better watch out or Matthis will set his greedy sights on him. Looking pretty rough these days. You know he’s gotta be trolling for a new sugar mama… or daddy as the case may be.


I think they tried to blockade the Oakland MEPS. I in-processed there in 1987 (USAR) and again in 1988 (USA). Just down the street from Bezerkely. God, I hate hippies. Seems nothing has changed. Still worthless.


I don’t like these events because they are exclusively for the consumption of people who already agree with the message. It convinces no one to come to their side, doesn’t actually do anything to stop the “imperialist war machine,” and probably converts a few sympathizers into opponents. It is just worthless self-aggrandizement.

Robert Chiroux

It’s all like watching a George A. Romero movie.


Ha! “Night of the Living Matthis.”

Jonn Lilyea

“In March 2008 Matthis was a soldier at the US Army’s 5 Corps in Heidelberg Germany….”

Um, no. In May 2008 Matthis announced his intention to avoid military service. In March 2008, he was in college in NYC. Now who’s making history for whom?

Old Trooper

I have a couple of observations: I noticed that this chucklehead likes to travel all over Europe, since he was in Germany and France to protest his country on foreign soil to people who have nothing to do with anything. So he must have used the evil capitalist system at some point to make some money, or he was turning tricks for money. The other thing I noticed was while watching the hippy circle jerk television show known as “the 60’s” where every argument, every speech, every action, has been happening again. Plus, many of the same players are involved now as they were then, or at least groups with the same ties and ideals as back then. Funny thing is, I remember it all from back then, watched as my older cousins went to Vietnam and came home. The stories that they had of what they did, etc. and the surprising thing is, it didn’t sound anything like what the anti-war types were spouting.

Joseph Brown

I was stationed at Travis AFB in ’65 and ’66. I don’t remember the train incidence, but I do remember a bunch of useless twits from Berzerkly marching down to the Oakland docks to protest. Unfortunately for them, when they got there they ran into a line of Hell’s Angels with with Oakland city cops backing them up! This was on the 6:00 news out of ‘Frisco. My wife and I were floored by it.
Also, a group came to Travis and sat down in front of the main gate. Some drunk guy didn’t get the memo and ran over one of the useless ones, ending their little protest. Ahh, the good ol’ days!


“And certainly, the courts continue to channel youthful offenders to the military to get some “discipline”.”

Uh, no. Try again. The “Army or jail” alternative has been done away with for 30-35 years, at least. Even when I was recruiting in the 90’s, it was VERY clear that any such statement by any court officer would render that person ineligible for any program, any service.


It’s a fine line NH, young offenders are being signed up if the choice is made available before charges are brought, I’ve worked and served with a couple in the past.

Robert Chiroux

My son made the following statement recently: “I was press-ganged into the Army by the Alabama Juvenile “Justice” System in 2002…” This is absolutely not true – I was there. Matthis faced criminal prosecution for selling mushrooms (the drug kind) in a park next to an elementary school. Matthis had already had a series of juvenile offenses (presently sealed in his juvenile file) and another conviction had the real possibility of being treated as an adult offender. I was the custodial parent and I had had enough so I, his father, arranged a meeting that included Matthis’ probation officer, an army recruiter, invited by me, and Matthis. In that meeting I made it clear if Matthis did not “choose” to enlist in the army I would file a complaint with the Opelika police department concerning the above and testify against him. Matthis took the initiative to speak with the army recruiter, whom had remained absolutely quiet with no gestures whatsoever, and asked to join the army. In response I chose not to file the complaint and the probation officer cooperated with assisting with court/probation issues to facilitate Matthis’ entry into the service. Everything was done above board, by the book and letter of the law. As recently as Father’s Day 2009 Matthis told me he knew it was voluntary and he felt he could have beaten the charge but decided it was a good idea and opportunity so that’s why he asked to join up. “Press Ganged” – Horse Hockey!

Robert Chiroux

Correction: Father’s Day 2008, not 2009.


Mr. Chiroux:
The intervention you attempted has actually helped others. It does not appear to have helped Matthis, however. Several people who post here have made the comment that Matthis appears to be on drugs; from just the pictures posted here, I wonder if that might not be the case? It would certainly explain some of his behavior.

Southern Class

It must be terribly embarrassing, (if he can be embarrassed), to have it laid out plainly by a parent that one has been lying through his teeth. But, I suppose that Matthis and his ilk, have very little personal pride. I see that in the wearing of “Che” things, of wearing the kaffiyah, and of making claims of victory to a non-event such as the “stopping the deployment of 3d ACR. Hell, a drunk stumbling off the curb that morning would have been more significant to the bus drivers than these wienie wankers “blockade”. “Total Freaking Success” still brings laughter to me. And the Pussette Bobby Whitttenberg is a “Total Freaking Joke”. “Let the Revolution Begin”, yeah right. Dumbass, if even one of us “old farts” here were to stomp our foot at him, he would piss himself. Their bravery, or lack thereof, was demonstrated when they joined this band of misfits.
But, keep on bringing us these “funnies”, Jonn.
And to the other patriotic veterans who comment here- “Thank you for your service, and thank you for your continued patriotism”.