4,000 US imperialists to invade another helpless crap hole

| August 24, 2010

Well, actually, the USS Kearsarge group is setting sail for Pakistan later this week to lend aid and comfort to Pakistanis ravaged by floods. But how long before we start seeing “Out of Pakistan” signs like we did earlier for Haiti?

The group originally was scheduled to deploy in September. The Navy said earlier this month that the departure would be moved up because of the massive flooding, which so far has claimed 1,600 lives and affected nearly 20 million.

The group is expected to be gone for seven months. After their work in Pakistan, they’ll continue with their previously planned tour around the Middle East.

I wonder if the Under the Hood crowd will be protesting this deployment. Like Pablo Paredes, a future IVAW member who refused to board his ship, the USS Bonhomme Richard, in San Diego as it set sail to relieve the destruction of the tsunami which struck Indonesia in 2004. He said he did that to avoid service in iraq. he was only off by a few thousand miles.

Regardless of the money we’ll spend helping flood victims, somehow it’ll be tied to an increase in terrorist ranks.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Military issues

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I do not understand why we continue to give this country money and resources. Yea I know they have a nuke, but so do we.


Americans have always extended help to folks suffering from natural disasters. We can be justifiably proud of that tradition.


Speaking of Paredes, didn’t he just move up from the shake machine to the fryolator? Boy’s going places in this world, lemme tell ya.


I say its time to stop being both the tip of the spear and the biggest set of hangs giving aid where the UN is concerned. Our country, our economy and our people need the aid that we continually give away for free. The euro is kicking out ass, let them give pakistan aid. Russia wants to give Iran Uranium, let em give the Paki”s borsch….they’re going to hate us if we help or not, we might as well save our money when its the same end game.