The return of Darnell Stephen Summers

| February 19, 2009

A few months back I wrote about some of the more benign stuff about the life of Darnell Stephen Summers when writing about Andre Shepherd. Darnell came around and told me to stop calling him a commie, even though that’s what he is – he even admitted as much in the comments. Well, he’s back and before he beclowns himself more and lies to us all again, let’s take a look at some of the things Darnell has admitted to in the recent past.

He belongs to “Vietnam Veterans Against the War – Anti-Imperialist”, a group that even the VVAW calls “ultra-Left” and warns its members away;

How do I know Darnell is in VVAW-AI? Well he gave this speech in which he told the crowd he is in VVAW-AI;

And he brags about it in this profile he wrote himself;

And, oh, he keeps linking to a collection of articles about his arrest for murdering a State Trooper;

His story was that another cop shot the trooper. But a further look into his history puts the killing in a different light. Darnell brags on another web page that he was held in the US Army’s Long Binh jail in Vietnam in 1968;

A quick check of Wikipedia, tells the tale of what happened in Long Binh jail in 1968 at about the same time Darnell claims he was held there;

And here’s a screen cap of a video he produced and put on his MySpace page about Amerikkka;

Anything you want to add, Darnell?

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck, Phony soldiers, Politics, Usual Suspects

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I remember it like it was yesterday, man. I was assigned to Colonel De’John Mustard’s detachment, which was up to its ALICE packs in torture. It weren’t no secret that if you were in with Mustard, you was a damn psycho. So we had been sent to investigate some dude getting murdered. The MP’s found his body somewhere in one of the abandoned mansions near our base. We rounded up everyone we could find and endlessly questioned each one. That’s when Mustard snapped…he started yelling at this one poor dude…he was all like “I know you did it, didn’t you professor! Look at how friggin’ purple your damn face is! Don’t lie to me muthafocker!!” and then he started waving this gold plated candlestick around and raving about the conservatory. That’s when I knew we were the real terrorists, man.

SSGT Jesse Joshua McHasbro
955st Airborne Military Intelligence Interogator Squad
Robble Robble, Iraq 2004-2006


Pure gold.



Dude, you kill me.

Now go level up my Jewelcrafting on my Dwarf.


Darnell is nothing but an asswipe that should have been burned by the shit burning detail at LBJ. He should have never been released from prison. It would be interesting to look his FOIA military records from the NPRC.


Confucious says ” Senile communist trapped in steel box shouldn’t lob grenades”


“This ain’t hell, but he can make it happen from here!”
Jonn Lilyea, Proprietor
Where no asshat gets away free and clear.


defendUSA Says: “This ain’t hell, but he can make it happen from here!” Jonn Lilyea, Proprietor Where no asshat gets away free and clear.

There ya go, Jonn! A brand new, marketing and brand tool for you to use! Hop on it!

Hahaha……..very good defendUSA!


I had several back and forth e-mails and comments on my blog with this asshole. He never directly answered any of the point-by-point rebuttals I made to his anarchist/communist talking points. He proudly linked to the newspaper article about his part in the murder of the State Trooper. He harbors deserters at his Berlin residence, and along with his IVAW buddies, advocates mutiny and sedition. I’m in the process of requesting that the DOJ/AG/FBI investigate the IVAW. There’s enough fraud and subversive shit going on in that organization to raise a huge red flag.

Darnell Stephen Summers


on a crusade, are we? It would be nice to get all of you in a room for a nice little pow-wow. You people are hopeless. However you continue to moan like stuck pigs. You should post more that just a few things. Give people a more comprehensive view of what I have written and said over the years. Sedition and Mutiny? You hit the nail on the head. Report me to your your sorry-ass friends. See how far that will get you.

Forget=”F”. Now proceed to solve.

“F” the FBI. “F” the AG. “F” the DOJ. Oops, I mean “F” the DOI(Department of Injustice). While we’re at it, “F” you.


p.s. As soon as you ask a coherent question, I’ll answer it.

Jonn wrote: Darnell is this you? Googling your own name like an adolescent?

Ya know, that’s pretty pathetic – even for you.


DSS, when are you touring again with the Parliament Funkadelics?

Seriously, no one gives two shits about what you have to say, why not go somewhere that not everyone wants you to be hit by a bus on the autobahn?


Darnell’s a Yardbird from LBJ? figures all the mouth of an ex-con but thats why he’s in germany where he can big it up among dumb Eurotrash who believe his line of feculance. Here too many people would see right through his crap


This is some funny shit


I know Darnell, Serious musician, jazz that is. Although an excellent pianist and composer. I miss the point, why are you attacking him? I do not understand soldier! please explain