1st Armored Div soldier killed on leave

| October 20, 2009

Sporkmaster sent us a link to the story about a 20-year-old soldier named Cody Ryan Patterson, who was murdered while back home on leave from Iraq. The soldier happens to be the nephew of a blogger at The Rag Blog. The Daily Sentinel tells the story;

Hill County Sheriff Jeffrey Lyons said Pvt. Cody Ryan Patterson, 20, suffered an apparent gunshot wound to his chest at a home in Blum, about 40 miles north of Waco. He was pronounced dead early Saturday morning.

A Hill County jail spokesman said April Thompson, 25, of Odessa, was charged with manslaughter Sunday after she was arrested in Glen Rose, about 30 miles west of Blum.

Patterson was assigned to the 1st Armored Division at Fort Bliss, TX according to the Associated Press.

UPDATED: I have added a few more links with more information and obituaries

I am not sure when this was posted but here is a update in the case that ended in a plea deal

An Odessa woman makes a plea deal in the shooting death of a central Texas soldier.

24-year-old April Danielle Thompson was sentenced to six years in prison.

Thompson says she accidentally shot 20-year old Cody Ryan Patterson in October of 2009.

Category: Real Soldiers, Support the troops

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Horrible, so sad.



Damn, just damn.

Amazing stuff here

How can we blame this tragedy on Obama and liberals?

Old Tanker


That’s pretty classy…..

I noticed John’s link to his aunts blog which is very anti war and she didn’t even blame Bush for it, imagine that.

Now I recall a previous comment where you said you had no brain and were awaiting your orders, try this one, be a little respectful.


But ASH isn’t a liberal or democrat, he just carries their water.

Amazing stuff here

Old Tanker,

I said this was a tradegy, but lets be real here. This website is set up to trash a political party and an ideology. That’s all.

Just like “IV”AW was designed to trash our military and war efforts, they also like to use veterans healthcare and benefits to give themselves legitamcy.

Kind of the same thing here.

Amazing stuff here

Old Tanker,

“awaiting orders”

Seriously, you remember that? I don’t think that was me, since I’m medically retired. The only orders my ass is gonna get is to continue laying back on the couch.


ASH, when you get your head out of your ass, let us know. Until then may I instruct you that this is a post about someone’s child who is now deceased and it is customary to refrain from stoopid statements and rather offer some heartfelt condolences if you have it in you. Otherwise, kindly STFU.


To Rag blog and family,
My sympathies to you and anyone suffering this loss. Your post was funny, yet so well done when talking about your nephew. It’s easy to see what kind of kid he was. God Bless.

Amazing stuff here


I don’t remember the “heartfelt condolences” when let’s say Ted Kennedy died, as a matter of fact I recall some really nasty stuff here and on Ms. Malkins website. As a matter of fact, everytime a person from the liberal side of the aisle dies people here sound just alittle gleeful.

Just to be fair here, this also happens on liberal websites when a prominent Republican dies.

But please don’t tell me to “STFU” or try to “instruct” me. Like I said, this website doesn’t really give a shit about our troops nor our veterans, to prove my point, just look at the last hmmm let’s say 20 posts on here by Jonn. Each one of them is an attack on the left, Obama, anti-war and so on. This website was not designed to truly appreciate the serving of our troops, it was designed to take on the left and the anti-war crowd.



I “instruct” you to “STFU”!!! Damn coward.

Amazing stuff here


that’s too funny.


Yeah, ASH, I take glee in a murderer finally getting his due; what’s your point?

Show me the amount of leftists that actually give a shit about our troops or Vets. Better yet, give us examples of them standing by our Vets and troops and I’ll celebrate them. When they piss on our troops and Vets, or attempt to do so, I will call them out. It’s that fricken simple.

Old Tanker


Your quote, unless someone else posts under your moniker was

I need direction. Please give me my marching orders, I don’t have a brain of my own.

From one of John’s Shinseki posts last week.

I also took your advice and looked back at some of John’s most recent posts. I found 10 partisan, 8 non partisan and a question mark. I automatically scored the Shinseki posts as partisan because I realize you assume any criticism of Shinseki must be partisan and 1 post I scored non-partisan because he took both parties to task.

I find it ironic you make the partisan claim on a post that can’t be considered a partisan attack by anybody, except possibly you.

Frankly Opinionated

Trash Ted Kennedy? Here? Why in hell not? Mary Jo Kopecne wasn’t able to offer her comments so those of us who live in the real world made honest comments about the Taxachussetts Manatee, (sorry Manatee, but I must use some comparison.), and we didn’t even touch on his other episodes of cheating on his wife and family. Ted Kennedy deserved all comments we made, and he is in no way a comparison to a fallen warrior. Must you be such a douCHE?
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”


“Like I said, this website doesn’t really give a shit about our troops nor our veterans”
says ‘Ash-hole’

I am not in the military, I am just a fan.
This website has brought more beautiful stories to my attention, sometimes breaking my heart in the process.
The courage and love of freedom exhibited by the troops en masse continues to humble me in every way. I really am so grateful to you all.

This website most certainly DOES care about the troops and vets. Getting the growing leftist cancer exposed and into the light is part of that love. Tough Love.

And you sir, have left a truly disgraceful post here today.
Bet your mom would be so proud.



You are a SFB. Nobody here said anything that wasn’t true and to my knowledge, there was nothing disrespectful in regard to Kennedy. Maybe you were thinking of your friends at Kos, DU, or Huffpo? Malkin’s stuff has no bearing here.

How does your shit argument and justification of why you get to be an asshole support a fallen comrade? An apology would have sufficed.

I said it the other day, and apparently your meds make you fuzzy. A parent doesn’t give a shit who is Prez as long as the kid makes it home safe. A soldier doesn’t join when the Prez in Chief is of his political leaning.

You are a fucking pansy ass and I never, like Old Trooper, take it lying down when idiot SFB like you decides to play tit for tat and justify being a complete asshole.

Yeah, now is where you play that ‘I’m a vet’ card. Sorry, me too and it isn’t gonna fly.

It would suck to be you…asshole.


I send my thanks and sympathies to the family of the murdered soldier. As to commenting on ASH, it would be a waste of calories.


I just helped raise 100,000 that is going directly to troops overseas. I have testified before Congress 14 times on veterans issues. I did 2 deployments. I’ve helped upgrade discharges and represented veterans before the Board of veterans Appeals. I’ve given EXACTLY as much money to D’s as I have R’s. I had a Democrat and a Republican Congressman each send me books while deployed.

So, in the immortal words of a buddy of mine, eat a bag of dicks.

PowerPoint Ranger

My deepest condolences go to the family of Pvt. Patterson, and from reading the story it sounds like a tragic reminder of why firearms safety can never be taken lightly.

As for ASH and the Ted Kennedy comparison, Kennedy was a public figure and drew strong reactions from people who liked and disliked him when he died. Pvt. Patterson (RIP) is not a public figure; as partisan and ideological as some of us here may be, there was at least enough class amongst the regulars to keep that bullshit out of it, and it was as such until you brought it into the comments. I’m going to leave it at that, and echo TSO by cordially inviting you to go eat a bowl of dick.


What I was hoping was to for us to show class an offer sympathy and support on the Rag blog post itself. I am sure they would be grateful.

Amazing stuff here

While you all attack me, that’s all fine. I can take it.

But my original question is still up in the air. Almost everything that comes out of this blog (just look at the categories on the right of this site) is an attack on liberals, Democrats, Obama, anti-war activist and the left. I’m still wondering how the death of this soldier can somehow be turned into a partisan issue. Since it’s extremely rare that this site actually speaks of a veteran or troops without a need to be partisan.

TSO, thanks for what you do away from this site to support our troops and veterans.

PowerPoint Ranger

“But my original question is still up in the air.”

Successful Troll is successful….

In the miniscule event that you aren’t trying to troll these comments, does the fact that you are the only person bringing this up tell you anything at all? Can your head really be that far up your own ass to keep you from seeing that people you don’t agree with are capable of putting politics aside in these situations?

Frankly Opinionated

You are just so terminally ill, suffering Irreversible BDS. You wrote: “Almost everything that comes out of this blog (just look at the categories on the right of this site) is an attack on liberals, Democrats, Obama, anti-war activist and the left.”
Would you disagree that Huffpo, Koz, and DU are:
Attacking Conservatives, Republicans, GWB, warriors, and the Right.?
This is a military friendly, mostly conservative, non-Kool-ade drinking blog. For your cup o tea, hit the Huffpo site.
“Learned all I need to know about Islam on 9/11!”

Old Tanker

But my original question is still up in the air.

I told you above, I went back the 20 posts you suggested and putting ALL of the Shinseki posts in the partisan column was at about 50/50 (55/45 partisan) but that wasn’t the answer you wanted was it?

You are correct sir, off I go.

Mariann Wizard

Hi Sporkmaster —- one of the RagBlog editors sent me the link to this story, and, first off, THANK YOU to this blog for carrying the most accurate news account I’ve seen so far of Cody’s death (FAR more accuratge than the one I originally — and prematurely — sent to the RagBlog)! Those of us not in Cody’s immediate family are learning more today, and Power Point Ranger is definitely on target when he says that firearms safety can NEVER be neglected!! I’ve read through all the comments to date and I’m sure that Cody’s Mom will want to see these at some point — almost all of them obviously supportive, and as Sporkmaster calls for, “classy”. The one thing I’d like to respond to personally — and this nas NOTHING to do with my nephew’s death — is that practically everyone in the US peace movement that I’ve met in 40+ years of peace activism is either a) a veteran, b) a veteran’s wife, child, brother or sister, or c) has a lot of friends in those first two categories. When I first got involved in anti-Vietnam war stuff as a student, I was a young Republican, but got interested in WHY my brothers, classmates, and boyfriends being drafted to fight half-way around the world. I have NEVER met a genuine peace activist who was in any way, shape, or form anti- US servicemen and women. (We have had MANY incidents of government provocateurs or infiltrators making peace activists look bad; attacking vets is a favorite method.) The way veterans have been treated in recent years has been shameful in many respects, and the peace movement has spoken out for veterans and their families as vehemently as anyone else. The thing is, here in America, although not all families are career military, practically no family (except, I guess, some of the industrialist profiteers!) isn’t chock-full of veterans and active duty personnel at any given time. (Y’all do know, don’t you, that there aren’t a lot of employment opportunities now for our 18-years-olds, right?) When Robert McNamara was touring… Read more »


Not a problem, I just wanted to make sure that this story got out. Also a very well done post.

Amazing stuff here

Old Tanker “I told you above, I went back the 20 posts you suggested and putting ALL of the Shinseki posts in the partisan column was at about 50/50 (55/45 partisan) but that wasn’t the answer you wanted was it?”

You looked into it, with your non-partisan eyes? Sure dude. Too funny. Try again.


After reading all 30 replies what has been the reason this person was shot? I have not read any news about it, or even heard of this on the TV news. So, what happen to cause this person to be shot? I need the rest of the story.

VFW Wiesbaden

Mariann Wizard

1 AD HQ Wiesbaden Germany is the unit we support.
I would ask you to please give the entire family our condolences.

VFW Post 27 Commander
Steve Slauson

Old Tanker

You looked into it, with your non-partisan eyes? Sure dude. Too funny. Try again.

You seriously think starting with this post, The oathkeepers post, the Air force video post, The Presidential unit citation post, TSO Surveilence cam, and who needs bullets were all partisan? Dude, who has the eye problem?

Amazing stuff here

Old Tanker,

I think you may have missed these just right after the TSO Cam:

obama/fox, stoltz/cheney, SPLC, Again Obama/Fox, Left Wing Media Bias, Attack john Kerry, Votevets, Shinseki (swipe at public option), Shinseki (tagged with Obama/Biden).

Do I need to continue to make my point? Oh and just don’t read the title of the post, actually read what Jonn wrote and you’ll see the partisan attack as in the case with Shinseki.

Old Tanker

I counted those, your point was that almost ALL of the posts were partisan attack, I’m just not sure how 55% constitutes “almost all”…..and I told you, I considered the Shinseki posts partisan.

Amazing stuff here

Jonn, the problem is you have no consistency. Aren’t we told to believe that today’s conservatism consists of people with values and doing things that are morally correct. She didn’t just take her clothes off, she took them off to sell magazines.

My issue with this site is that you find anything, and I mean anything to attack liberals, anti-war, Obama, activists..etc. That’s why I was wondering why you didn’t use this troops death to push your agenda.

Don’t worry, I ask the same things on leftist websites too. Why they use our troops and veterans to push their agenda. See, that’s called consistency.

Old Tanker

My issue with this site is that you find anything, and I mean anything to attack liberals, anti-war, Obama, activists..etc.

That’s just called a target rich environment….

That’s why I was wondering why you didn’t use this troops death to push your agenda.

Oh good grief….


Anonymous Says:
October 20th, 2009 at 1:35 pm, very well said.

Amazing stuff here

then why not more heroic stories on all the accomplishments are troops have done?

Or have I missed that?


[…] was posted over on the Rag Blog, a site I have been following for sometime now. So I wanted to highlight two posts there. Great story, Al, and three cheers for […]


That is my Uncle!!:(

Sporkmaster: I offer my condolences on your lose.


This guy was my best friend as we did a lot of our growing up. I still can’t believe he’s gone. Bitch should burn alive