Credit where credit is skewed

| August 19, 2010

Last week we watched as Vote Vets gave credit to Barack Obama for the withdrawal of combat troops from Iraq today. Of course, we know that it was the so-called surge and the Bush Administration that made today’s news possible. But you know who’s taking credit? None other than those screeching harpies at Code Pink and the peace movement. This is from my email;

Yes, they want credit for ending the seven-year war – the war that would have ended seven years ago if it wasn’t for them. if it wasn’t for the peace freaks who volunteered to be human shields for Saddam Hussein. If it wasn’t for those three congressmen standing on the roof of Saddam’s palace declaring him a more honest broker than our own President. If it wasn’t for seven years of childish antics and useless protests, shoe-throwing, cardboard cemeteries, fake Guantanamo prison cells and so many countless demonstrations of imbecility and mental masturbation.

Yeah, this shit ended the war;



Torture 031



Defected Marine

Love your enemies






Oh, I forgot my award winning video;

Category: Antiwar crowd, Code Pink, General Whackos, I hate hippies

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Old Tanker

Oh thank goodness. I wouldn’t know what to do with pink pu$$&!s in a pink bed or a hippie clown in diapers… Thank jeebus they ended the occupation for me…


All I got to say is…Steven Tyler rocks!


I am attempting an experiment here:

After every beer I drink I read the Code Pink statement and try to follow the logic trail.

Beer 7 down and still don’t follow, it is going to be a long evening.


Daniel- If you wake up hungover, get to the nearest Greasy Spoon…home fries, bacon, eggs and toast. Then, don’t torture yourself any more. As Raoul would say, they have no clue that the summer of love is over and all that’s left for them is Geritol- Obviously, it ain’t helping!!


“Yes, they want credit for ending the seven-year war – the war that would have ended seven years ago if it wasn’t for them.”

I have to agree. I’ve always believed that our domestic anti-war movement gives the enemy the heart to fight on. If only they can hang on a little longer, public opinion here in America will shift just enough to hand them victory. That’s a really hard concept for the so-called “anti-war” movement to get. Believe me, I’ve tried explaining this elementary concept to people on the other side of this issue, and it just doesn’t compute.

This tactic of changing public opinion in the US was essentially the North Vietnamese strategy during that long war.

Colonel Bui Tin of North Vietnam explained in a 1995 interview:

Q: Was the American antiwar movement important to Hanoi’s victory?
A: It was essential to our strategy. Support of the war from our rear was completely secure while the American rear was vulnerable. Every day our leadership would listen to world news over the radio at 9 a.m. to follow the growth of the American antiwar movement. Visits to Hanoi by people like Jane Fonda, and former Attorney General Ramsey Clark and ministers gave us confidence that we should hold on in the face of battlefield reverses. We were elated when Jane Fonda, wearing a red Vietnamese dress, said at a press conference that she was ashamed of American actions in the war and that she would struggle along with us.

AW1 Tim

The bigger PITA is that they are coming to Portland Maine. the local MSM, especially the “Portland Press herald” are leftist enablers who consistently put a Democrat spin on everything they can. Nothing is ever too left for them to praise or support or put out on the front page news.

Now we have all these VFP assmaggots coming here too. Christ on the frikkin’ cross, but the news will be unbearable here for a week either side of their convention.