On The NewsCorp Donation To the Republican Governors’ Association…

| August 20, 2010

This week, the left-stream media has been going nuts over news that NewsCorp (the parent company of FoxNews) donated $1 million to the Republican Governors’ Association. This donation was certifiable proof for many Fox-haters that the network was in the bag for the Republicans. Of course, most media outlets did not report NewsCorp’s other donations.

More below the fold…

From CNN, whom I commend for reporting the whole story (emphasis is mine):

A review of the News Corporation IRS filings by CNN shows that a subsidiary of the company called News America Inc. made additional donations to both Democrats and Republicans in the 2010 election cycle, including $50,000 to the Democratic Attorneys General Association and $65,000 to the Republican State Leadership Committee. Those committees, as well as their Democratic counterparts, are 527 groups, meaning they are not subject to campaign finance contribution limits.

Data collected by CQ Moneyline shows that News Corporation, through its political action committee, has contributed over $105,500 to Democratic candidates in the 2010 election cycle, while donating $74,700 to Republicans during the same time period. News Corporation’s PAC has also donated $7,500 to Democratic-affiliated leadership PACs and $14,500 to GOP-related PACs. News Corporation, owned by Rupert Murdoch, has also given a total of $45,000 to other Democratic and Republican committees.

On the Democratic side, that includes $30,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and $15,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. As for Republicans, News Corporation donated $30,000 to the

NewsCorp isn’t the only media conglomerate that donates money to political campaigns either:

General Electric, which owns NBC, has also made substantial political contributions in the 2010 election cycle. For example, GE donated $688,900 to Democrats through its PAC this election cycle compared to $410,100 to Republicans. The company has also given $75,500 to Democratic-affiliated leadership PACs and $74,500 to Republican-affiliated leadership PACs.

The political action committee for Viacom, the parent company of CBS, has contributed $108,700 to Democratic candidates this election cycle and $64,000 to Republicans, according to CQ Moneyline. The PAC has also contributed $22,000 to Democratic-affiliated leadership PACs and $21,500 Republican-affiliated leadership PACs. Viacom also donated $4,000 to the Pennsylvania Democratic Party last April.

And Disney, the parent company of ABC, has given $110,500 to Democratic candidates and $95,000 to Republicans through its PAC. It has also donated $16,000 to Democratic-affiliated leadership PACs and $20,000 to Republican-affiliated committees. Disney has also given $11,000 to Democratic Party PACs and $20,000 to Republican Party PACs.

Did HuffPo mention any of these other donations in their reporting on the story? No, no, and no. Media Matters? Hell no.  The New York Times? You must be joking.

The DNC has been trying to turn this into a big story, sending out a lot of emails about the donation. I wonder if their candidates are going to give back the hundreds of thousands of dollars that NewsCorp gave them. I bet when donkeys fly….

Category: Liberals suck, Media

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Did HuffPo mention any of these other donations in their reporting on the story? No, no, and no. Media Matters? Hell no. The New York Times? You must be joking.

Seriously? Does ANYONE here think that these outlets would mention it? They’re LEFT WING SHILLS that LOVE the thought of socialism because they would then be government employees with the best benefits on the planet for the rest of their lives! The media in this country should be ashamed of itself. I’m not sure how these dirtbags sleep at night.


Having worked many a campaign (and if I had the time) I would like to figure out the “in kind donations” made by the MSM to Democrats over the years for all their fawning articles of Democrats as well as the diatribes against Republicans. I betcha that “in kind donation” total is a tad more than loaning a pickup truck for use in a parade and just under the reported value for use of an intergalatic starship for campaign travel. For FEC reporting purposes we can breakout the cost of booze and hookers under “pool reporters.”