This is not the NARAL that I knew

| July 4, 2008


This whole “Under the bus with you” strategy that the Obama camp is running is at least puzzling if not hysterical. After pandering to every far left group he could find for months, he is now tossing them one by one at a blinding pace.

The most liberal member of the senate has now flipped on his position on abortion.

In an interview this week with “Relevant,” a Christian magazine, Obama said prohibitions on late-term abortions must contain “a strict, well defined exception for the health of the mother.”
Obama then added: “Now, I don’t think that ‘mental distress’ qualifies as the health of the mother. I think it has to be a serious physical issue that arises in pregnancy, where there are real, significant problems to the mother carrying that child to term.”

This is an amazing piece of political gymnastics after he worked so hard to secure the NARAL endorsement from Hillary Clinton. Amazing because he is 180 degress from NARAL’s core position on late term abortion.

The official position of NARAL Pro-Choice America, the abortion rights group that endorsed Obama in May, states: “A health exception must also account for the mental health problems that may occur in pregnancy. Severe fetal anomalies, for example, can exact a tremendous emotional toll on a pregnant woman and her family.”

His current position (as of today at least) is far different from the guy who voted against an Act that would prevent the killing of a fetus that somehow survived the abortion process while a member of the Illinois Senate.

This may have been a deliberate plan to position himself left of every politician in the world. At the federal level the very same issue was discussed.

Separately, a Senate amendment to protect infants born alive during abortion was offered by then-Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) in 2001. It passed the Senate 98-0 with all current Democratic presidential hopefuls who were in the Senate at the time voting in favor, including Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.), Chris Dodd (Conn.), Joseph Biden (Del.) and then-Sen. John Edwards (N.C.).

How does one manage to get left of a 98-0 vote?

Of course now we know that this decision was political gamesmanship and not based on any core belief at all. Must be a “change” thing that I don’t understand.

Can you imagine what Hillary Clinton is thinking watching this clown flounder about?

Category: Politics

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[…] Obama and NARAL, you know, the baby killing industry folks. […]