Letters from IVAW

| July 20, 2010

As a query to IVAW’s Jose Vasquez, the Executive Director, I sent this picture of Matthis and asked Jose if this is the official position of IVAW. Vasquez responded that I should know better. That “Matthis marches to his own drum.” He also added that I should be heartened by the fact that there’s a whole new Board of Directors who will rein in some of this behavior.

Isn’t that what we were told last year after the election of the Board? The Board upon which Matthis currently sits? The same board that lets shit like this stand;

“…a lot of people in this country feel like the US army is some place to go and make a man of yourself. I am less of a man today for having served in the US military.” – Matthis Chiroux Afghanistan War Veteran

There are lots of reasons that Matthis is less of a man, none of those reasons have to do with the military – except that lie he propagates about being an Afghanistan veteran.

IVAW won’t do anything about Matthis, they’re too busy pushing the Code Pink agenda on Gaza and something about immigration. Nothing that has to do with the troops. Apparently, the only statement about the troops from IVAW is coming from Matthis.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers

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I will believe it when I see it.


Oh, I’m really heartened by the fact that Jeremy “I’ve got PTSD from not-deploying” Berggren is on the fucking board. Whimper fi.

And Robynn Murray too, who shared in Matthis’ flag-burning. Yeah, real change coming down the line.

Does anyone know what Joyce Wagner did in the Marines?


It’s like watching the train go off the tracks in slow motion. You want to turn away, warn them, anything–but at the same time it is just SO entertaining to watch, were it not for the fact these people are just flushing their entire lives away and don’t even realize it.


did you see the IVAW press release on the increase in Army Suicides?

Me either.

B Woodman

NH Sparky,
There is only so much one can do. Their parents attempted to teach these children the correct way to grow up and play well with others. But some children, for whatever reason, will not and will never learn.
And now that these children have grown older (but not necessarily grown up), all you can do is stand back and watch them wreck their own trains — in slow motion.


Completely off-topic: “Whimper fi.” That, Scott, is awesome. Also, stolen for future use. *cough*


Speaking of train wrecks, the coverage of their first annual circle jer–er, convention was good for a laugh.

(Copy/paste; you know the drill)

“Over 100 members and allies were in attendance.”
Wow. If they were all members, that’d be almost 6% of the entire organization. So, maybe around 2-3% of IVAW was there, and who knows how many of those aren’t even OIF/OEF veterans. Awesome turnout. I wonder if they included the caterers just to pad their figures. There sure as hell aren’t 100 people in the group photo op.

“The evening before convention there was a protest outside the gate of Fort Hood which was covered by the Killeen Daily Herald.”
Yup, and the KDH coverage was very enlightening.

“Conference attendees and local activists protested at Fort Hood’s East Gate Thursday, chanting and displaying signs that said they support troops when they disobey their officers; calling for an end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and return of American troops; repealing the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy and Arizona’s immigration enforcement law; getting Israel out of Gaza; and supporting no war but the class war.”

Whee! More pet causes adopted in “solidarity.” ISO, pulling the strings.

“Chants included “Resistance is justified when people are occupied”
How can this be interpreted as anything other than an encouragement of the killing of American troops? Did Carl Webb get in after all? Good thing the disjointed ramblings of this slovenly bunch go largely ignored.

Casey J Porter


“did you see the IVAW press release on the increase in Army Suicides?

Me either.”

That’s because they don’t give a shit about Soldiers.

I think that’s been pretty clear for years.

Junior AG

“I am less of a man today” and someone’s prison bitch tomorrow…


All IVAW cares about is money and attention.


“I think they care more about the people that are being killed my the US military.”

Yeah? What have they done to show it? Signed a bunch of resolutions in “solidarity”, stood on street corners and waved slogans on a stick, and played guest and host to various echo chambers around the country. Writing open letters and issuing calls on a website are some of the laziest forms of action there is.

“Upcoming IVAW Events
There are currently no upcoming IVAW events listed.”

How telling.