Veterans Today steals story in toto; adds unsubstantiated headline

| July 9, 2010

Again, this is why I don’t trust VT as far as I could kick them. They have a woeful story about a former marine who basically committed suicide by cop. And here is the title for the VT piece:

Marine Suffering Cancer, PTSD Shot and Killed Near Maine VA Hospital
– Suffered from cancer, PTSD; advocated marijuana and stem cells –

And here is the article they stole from in its entirety.

Nowhere in that underlying article does it mention PTSD. Not once. In fact, this is what the guy himself stated:

Popkowski joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1990. In 2003, the first lieutenant was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer called hepatosplenic gamma-delta T-cell lymphoma. Neighbors said it was commonly known that Popkowski was honorably discharged due to his medical condition.

Popkowski described himself as “a rather stoic person” who before his illness was not prone to moodiness. He said he believed his severe and ongoing depression was rooted in “something or some imbalance in my nervous system created by the GVHD.” When the condition was being treated with steroids, he said, “depression was not an issue. As soon as the [steroid treatment] was stopped the depression came on like a freight train.”

Why would they add the PTSD part do you think? Maybe to make the story fit their narrative?

Category: Politics

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They’re making a huge assumption with the whole PTSD diagnosis. Could he have been suffering from PTSD? I don’t know and neither do they. Many people suffer from depression due to medications they take for various illnesses, so that, in itself, could be the cause. Duff isn’t interested in looking at the whole picture, just the little piece that he pasted up there.

Adirondack Patriot

Veterans Today are a bunch of scum. No doubt.

Prayers for 1LT Popkowksi who was tormented by the ravages of cancer, and for the police officers who were compelled to end his life. May they find peace.


This is a truly sad story. It will also be a sad story if you fail the bar exam. I will never let you hear the end of it. How is the studying going?


Be sure to e-mail the poster, Denise Nichols, and ask her what gives her the right.


Cancer is never a gentle killer. Two men that we knew, both older veterans, chose personal firearms over the horrid, agonizing death their cancers would have given them. I read that people commit suicide when the pain on the inside gets worse than the pain on the outside. I think some people just refuse to wait for a disease to kill them.

AW1 Tim

I was well aware of this story yesterday from the news reports up here. I live about 35 miles from Togus.

The truly sickening part was the comments to the story in the “Portland Press Herald” online. Those commenters, well, most of them anyway, would fit the readership of VT. They were all about PTSD, veterans suffering because of Bush’s war, how veterans ought to be forced to have mental health treatment every year, how veterans ought to be forbidden from owning firearms, in short, the whole lunatic leftist meme.

Some of those comments are missing today, but they were out in force yesterday. I’ve pretty much stopped reading that paper because of it’s bias and the general rabid left commenters who hang out there too.

Regardless, I’ll be sending prayers for the Good Marine and his family and friends.

“Veterans Today” can kiss my ass.

B Woodman

Are you sure that isn’t Limited ABILITY Partnership?
Not LLP, but LAP? (I sense a joke in there somewhere. . . )

ANyway, best of in the studies.

Old Trooper

I wonder how Duff will take the news about a warrior being nominated for the CentCom job? Good luck to Gen. Mattis on getting through the hearings without snapping a few leftist necks.

Adirondack Patriot

Studying for the bar exam!

That explains the use of the term “in toto” in the headline.

Well, “per stirpes” and “ejusdem generis” to you.

Good luck.


Gordon Duff, the TOCRAT strikes again


Yes sir TSO, they inserted the PTSD claim entirely to fit their narrative. And if you think about it, the more vets that are tagged with PTSD, the more will be dis-qualified under the law GWB signed into law back in Dec 2007 (I think) to own and be possession of guns, the better for the anti-gun crews.


Streetsweeper- you “Think” if your not sure why post? GWB has been out of office for 18 months, time to try a new mantra.


Hey Woodman…

Here you go!
TSO is doing a LAP dance for Jonn!