Obama: Support O’Malley

| July 8, 2010

O'Malley screws taxpayers

My BFF Barack Obama sent me an email today asking me to support Marty O’Malley in his re-election bid for the Governor of Maryland;

Since being elected Governor in 2006, Martin O’Malley has been a true champion for the people of Maryland.

He has restored a sense of fiscal responsibility and helped the state grow sustainably, expanding access to health care coverage and continuing to improve Maryland’s schools, while also restoring the Chesapeake Bay. His four-year freeze on college tuition brought the cost of higher education within reach of middle-class families.

Governor O’Malley has a lot more to contribute to your state — and I hope you will do your part to ensure he has four more years to continue his work.

Yeah, see that picture above? That’s Marty celebrating his “victory” raising taxes on Marylanders after just a year in office. Robert Ehrlich, his predecessor, left O’Malley a $650 million surplus – that’s how O’Malley “restored a sense of fiscal responsibility” by the largest tax increase in Maryland’s history. the increase went to $1.6 billion dollars of new spending. O’Malley threatened to cut essential services to pay for his new spending projects if the legislature didn’t give him the tax increases.

The Washington Times found $488 million that Maryland paid in welfare money to recipients who hadn’t either supplied their Social Security number or gave the State a false SSN.

O’Malley then declared it patriotic to pay the additional tax – meanwhile non-patriotic Marylanders fled the state.

So, O’Malley is matched up against Erlich again this Fall. I almost regret that I can’t vote against O’Malley – but at least I’m out from under his oppressive boot.

Sorry, Barrack, you can’t count on me.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden

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Dear Reader will be so disappointed in your lack of faith.


Dont worry Jonn, I’ll be here to vote for you.

Larry T

Obama supports him so he must be a crook

Larry T


or a marxist

B Woodman

Look at the deeds, not the words. . . .


Are you better off than you were two years ago?

USMC Steve

You should respond back and tell them to ask Homey Nobama to go feck himself. He is already doing it to us.


“His four year freeze on college tuition brought the cost of higher education within reach of middle class families.”

Only if the middle class is now clearing $400,000 a year…

Adirondack Patriot

Sounds like O’Malley is as successful as the Baltimore Orioles.