Lisping sissy advises Democrats: “make it about Bush”

| February 20, 2007

EJ Dionne, columnist for the Washington Post, gives advice to the anti-war crowd in Congress;

The challenge to critics of the war is to make the debate about Bush, not about themselves, and to make clear that the president has rebuffed all efforts to pursue a bipartisan path out of Iraq, beginning with his rejection of the core recommendations of the Iraq Study Group, headed by James A. Baker III and Lee Hamilton.

UM, EJ, where have you been the last six years? If you hadn’t noticed, everything has always been about the President. And it’s always been clear that the “core recommendations” of the ISG were pie-in-the-sky, fruity recommendations anyway.

I know little EJ wants us to negotiate with Iran (which underlies his idiot statement about the ISG recommendations) but how are we supposed to sit down with a government whose lead politician says things like this and this. Hardly seems like a rational person that we can trust to keep his word, does it?

And, EJ, my boy, tell me what good a “bi-partisan solution” to the war in Iraq would do our troops? There’s a way to win that war, and there’s a way to lose that war, but there is no way to compromise between winning and losing that’ll make everyone happy.

We’ve been compromising up to this point (despite the rantings of the Left) and that’s why we’ve been there so long, taken so many casualties, and spent so much money on this war – because we’ve been trying to asuage the guilt of the Left for making them vote for the war in the first place. We need another Sherman, Patton or Grant, that’s what we need, not bi-partisan compromises.

Of course Dionne endorses the Murtha proposal;

For now, the war’s opponents are focused on three strategies. One would be to cut off funds for the war, but there is currently no majority in either house for this. A second approach, expected to come from Rep. John Murtha (D-Pa.), would propose restrictions on troop deployments — for example, forbidding the redeployment of units that have been home for less than a year and imposing substantial training requirements on the troops who are sent.

The Murtha measure would at least force a much-needed debate on the damage this war has done to our armed forces and the extraordinary burdens being borne by the brave minority of Americans who serve. It would also sidestep the political damage of doing anything that could be construed by Bush’s supporters as “failing to support our troops.”

Yeah, we need more debate. Oswego, NY needs more snow, too. And the damage to our troops has already been done, EJ, in case you haven’t been paying attention. There’s already been a recorded incident of your side spitting at a wounded soldier – what more do you need. Murtha cloaks his disdain for the soldiers in pretty phrases about readiness and rest, but he still hates the fact that they might win.

A third path, offered by Sens. Joseph Biden (D-Del.) and Carl Levin (D-Mich.), would have Congress revisit its original 2002 Iraq resolution to make clear that the war authorized then (against Saddam Hussein and what turned out to be nonexistent weapons of mass destruction) had nothing to do with putting American troops in the midst of a Muslim civil war now.

This is a setup to begin impeachment proceedings against the President by changing the rules at the end of the third quarter. I know the Left thinks Biden is a fricken rocket surgeon, but anyone who had to use other people’s research for a college paper probably shouldn’t be held in such high esteem by people who think college education is the answer to all of the world’s problems.

And Dionne ends his piece with a quote from my very own Congressman – in all of his whining glory, Chris Van Hollen (D-MD);

“The refusal of the administration to try to work with others to resolve this in a responsible manner has created a very polarized atmosphere,” Van Hollen said. “They’ve refused to listen to anyone else.”

Maybe, Chris, that’s because you haven’t had a strategy. All you have is “we hate Bush” and “we hate Rumsfeld”. Have you bothered to read the ISG’s recommendations, Chris? It’s fantasy land nonsense written by politicians. Even Sandra Day O’Connor wondered what she even doing in the Group. So did the rest of us.

Besides, why should the President pay you any notice? You’re not the commander-in-chief, according to the Constitution. You can declare war and fund it and that’s it. Period. The fact that Democrats can’t produce a coherent policy on Iraq is proof of the genious of our founding fathers. There is no compromise to victory – unless of course, victory is what you’re trying to avoid.

So, I guess the whole point of today’s post is that EJ Dionne, John Murtha, Joe Biden and Chris Von Hollen are not generals – they’re political creatures looking for a political solution to a complex problem – none of them have had to lead troops in combat, none of them understand how their idiot ramblings affect the war and our enemies, so all of them should sit down and stfu. Especially, Little EJ Dionne.

Category: John Murtha, Media, Politics

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