Reactions to McChrystal firing

| June 25, 2010

The whole world is still digesting what the resignation of General Stanley McCrystal the other day. Newsy sent us a video of a few of world’s reactions;

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Not that what the world thinks of it is important since their participation is slipping.

Stars & Stripes asked the troops what they think about it.

“I think it’s a good thing,” said Sgt. Shannon Grier, 24, of Augusta, Ga., who served in Zabul from August to December last year. “He may not have been a bad guy, but he was taking away things that gave infantrymen success, like night missions.”

Yeah, SGT Grier, I don’t think things like that’ll change until we get rid of this administration – they’re more interested in fighting the war the way the Karzai administration wants it fought. The DoD leadership said yesterday that not much in Afghanistan will change with McChrystal gone;

[SecDef Gates and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral Mullen] stressed that McChrystal’s firing was not a referendum on his campaign plan; the strategy and execution of the war in Afghanistan will not change.

McChrystal was handpicked by Obama’s defense leadership duo to coordinate the war.

I guess that means Burger King won’t be back anytime soon, either.

Category: Terror War

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Michael in MI

“Yeah, SGT Grier, I don’t think things like that’ll change until we get rid of this administration – they’re more interested in fighting the war the way the Karzai administration wants it fought.”

Yep. If you notice, the MF-ing media did not describe this as “brilliant!” as a military decision, they described it as “brilliant!” as a political decision. In other words, they are praising Obama for playing politics with the war effort in Afghanistan. Yet, in their coverage, they act as if this was some brilliant maneuver that proves Obama’s Commander-in-Chief bonafides. It does nothing of the sort. It simply proves his bonafides as an incompetent leader who plays politics with all issues… in true Alinsky fashion.

It pisses me off even more than usual, since my younger brother (CPT in Army) is being sent on his first deployment next month to the ‘Stan. So I’m paying even closer attention to Afghanistan news and policy than ever. The only thing that has calmed me down from blowing my top was the replacement of McChrystal with Petraeus. I have nothing, but respect for the General. I know my brother will be in good hands with his leadership. Unfortunately, it’s the lack of leadership from the C-in-C that still angers me.


Why did he disallow night missions? Presumably, the terrorists do most of the activities at night, by themselves & thus killing them then would reduce potential collateral damage.


He likely ended night missions like many commanders did in Iraq because it’s dangerous and not really worth it. What makes sense about going in to a hostile area at night to do patrols on a regular basis where those who would attack you have more of an advantage?

If there are specific areas or at specific times at night, that’s one thing, but to do regular patrols at night is just stupid. McChrystal made the right decision to keep Soldiers alive.