Hippie circle jerk in Detroit

| June 25, 2010

Someone sent me a link from World Can’t Wait this morning describing the important work that the smelly hippies are doing in Detroit this weekend at the misnamed “Social Forum”.

Gathered in Detroit today for the US Social Forum, anti-war leaders will address Barack Obama’s replacement of General Stanley McChrystal with General David Petraeus and condemn his strategy of expanding the U.S. presence in Afghanistan.

Yeah, what that has to do with anything “social” is beyond me. But, from my experience, the anti-war movement takes up which ever issue is in the headlines to make themselves appear relevant. So who is attending the “forum” (it’s not a forum, either – it’s an echo chamber)? According to WCW, all of our lovable clowns;

William Ayers, Elaine Brower, Matthis Chiroux, David Swanson, Debra Sweet, Sunsara Taylor, and Ann Wright.

Sweet – all of our little fuzzy buddies in one place. But you can bet none of the above named people were soaked by lthe rain storm the other night;

As the rain pelted and the runoff threatened to uproot their temporary nylon homes, the young adults huddled in the US Social Forum’s Tent City confronted some challenges Wednesday night.

Some tried to weather the weather inside their tents, but others took shelter in the adjacent veterans center at Woodward and Temple.

Yeah, you can bet that the hippie luminaries above were sacked out in a hotel somewhere paid for by donations from the clods stuck in the rain. After all, some animals are more equal than others.

Amy Goodman, an activist who tries to convince us she’s a journalist, describes the event;

Far larger than any tea party convention, it has gotten very little mainstream-media coverage. Not a tightly scripted, staged political convention, nor a multiday music festival, the U.S. Social Forum defines itself as “an open meeting place for reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, formulation of proposals, free exchange of experiences.”

In other words, it’s a bunch of hippie sheep being herded from place to place and told how to think about certain issues. 10,000 from “throughout the world” is not an impressive event, Amy. It’s the usual suspects gathered in Detroit for the world’s largest circle jerk. It doesn’t get media coverage because it’s the same old bullshit we’ve heard for the last nine years – that’s not news.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects

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Old Tanker

I’m about an hour from there, man I need to find the time to go for a good laugh!

I especially love the irony of smelly hippies seeking shelter from the storm in a veterans center! Too rich!


“Some tried to weather the weather inside their tents, but others took shelter in the adjacent veterans center at Woodward and Temple.”

So, the anti-war types, who hate the military, took refuge from the weather in a “Veterans Center”? How quaint.

Kinda like when our little buddy Medea ran behind a Marine to protect her at a protest against the Marines that she was involved in organizing. They are a hypocritical lot; eh?

Casey J Porter

I see a whole slew of new YouTube vids coming out. New vids, same standard yapping.


Wait wait wait, far larger than any tea party protest? Has she forgotten about that record setting protest on tax day? Or did they really manage to get that many people there?


Fap fap fap.

AW1 Tim

The advantage of meeting in Detroit is that the smell of hippies will blend in with the smell of failure and decay. It’s doubtful any of them would stand out from anyone else there.

Old Tanker

I love Amy’s article

The core of modern Detroit, the automobile industry, helped facilitate the creation of suburbs that ultimately spelled doom for vibrant inner cities. Detroit, which had 2 million residents in the mid-1950s, now has dwindled to around 800,000. Poverty, joblessness, depopulation and decay have created an almost post-apocalyptic scene here.

She of course, blames the failure of capitalism but leaves out that it’s precisely when Coleman Young was elected Mayor and Democrats have been in charge ever since.


What we have here is another target rich environment. Hope somebody can take advantage of it.


Dear hippie moonbats–what does it say about your “cause” when even the Obama-loving knob-gobblers in the MSM don’t even give a shit what you have to say?


I don’t like Ayers. He started up a weatherman cell in Lawrence Ks. Kansas university, that went out of its way to harass vietnam vets, and ended up burning down the Student Union. It was a tough time for vets at KU, and I hold these people directly responsable for the bullshit.

USMC Steve

What is reeeeeaaaaallly hilarious and revealing at the same time is that the ultra leftard who is now the socialist in chief and his loyal minions are showing not a bit more interest or concern in these idiots and their agenda than the last administration was. They are officially irrelevant from both ends of the spectrum and too stupid to realize it or absorb it. If they did, they might get some oxygen and a freaking clue.


Thanks, all of you foul smelling hippies, for not polluting the rest of our state.
As for Ayers, I remember a demonstration by the “Weatherman Front”, and SDS, in downtown Grand Rapids, where the only thing they could find to “demonstrate” about, was the “racist furniture” manufactured by Steelcase. Back in that day, we used mace, and it certainly worked very well on them. And, you could count on it acting for a while, they didn’t bathe, so it worked on them for a loooong time.


Did I read something incorrectly??
They took shelter from the rain in a VETERAN’S CENTER?????
Is that a good case of irony, or what????

B Woodman

Just as the hippies of the 60’s became the leftist Libtard leadership we all know and love today, here are the next generation, gathering to become indoctrinated by their puppet masters.

If we ever needed an excuse to exercise our RKBA, in a T.O.O. (Targets Of Opportunity) -rich environment, here it is, handed to us on a silver platter. Pray that we can take maximum advantage of it.