Small favors

| June 23, 2010

I’m sure there are some drill sergeants at Fort Sill that are glad this little princess went AWOL;

Here’s the blotter from the OC Register if you can’t read it in the video;

Pine Valley Lane: arrest, April 23. Rebecca Ann Pinson, 29, of Newport Coast, was arrested on warrant charges related to desertion of the US Army.

Next time you read in the HuffPo or WaPo about the out of control military desertions, remember Princess here. I’ll bet her recruiter is still giggling about this one.

Category: Military issues

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Old Tanker

Oh dear god…it’s like a train wreck, you just can’t stop watching…even as horrible as it is.


I wonder what she’s on.


I agree with Old Tanker.

I can’t even come up with one adjective to describe what I just watched.

Was her recruiter punished for bringing this enlistement in? If not, why not?


She made a wonderful point though… “whiners never prosper”


That is one creepy looking female. Holy God.

AW1 Tim

Man, that woman is on some serious stuff, or has been pounding the liquor all morning. There’s no way she’s sober.

Casey J Porter

How dare you racist war monger make fun of the next IVAW member and IVAW hero! MURDERERS!

Southern Class

Holy Jeezus Key-Rist Batman, this could be the next president of IVAW! Somebody grab her, she’s the real deal for them. What talent, what dedication, what selfless expressionism! Move over Matthis, this wench could attract more gurls than you evah thought of……….
Were her parents related? Biologically speaking, that is.

Ringo the Gringo

Something tells me she wouldn’t have made it through basic training even if she had shown up.

Casey J Porter

@SC, you know, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if she was not only allowed to join but made it on to the board of directors.


She reminded me of this crazy woman I dated for a while. She left for the Marines, which I thought was weird in the first place. She made it to Paris Island and got sent home less than a week later.

I wonder if she got kicked in the head by a mule?

Larry T

Can we bring back the firing squad as penalty for deseration in time of war.

Casey J Porter

Speaking of firing squad, she bring it up at 0:55 mark here:


Wow–how many times did this brain-dead take the ASVAB while her recruiter was trying to plug her? Something tells me there’s a ringer running around MEPS in San Diego again.

On second thought, this is who she reminds me of…

“Fruit trees and vegetable trees…” I still laugh my ass off every time I hear that.


I bet she’s into vampires.

That was painful!


I wanna know what Jonn was on to even post this? Unless she also got the dates wrong it’s old?

Damn… I felt little more than pity. What a waste!

Southern Class

And who says there is no humor on hump day?????????????

Southern Class

I was thinking that anyone dumb enough to make a performance like that on a webcam would have to have a facebook page. She does. Just copied and pasted her name in the facebook search box and she came up. Heartshaped sunglasses and all.
Drop by and leave the dummy a comment, y’all.


Does she remind anyone of the character of Dot on the old Mad TV show?

She looks like she went hunting for her glove in the dryer one too many times.

Wild Bill

She reminds me of Lilly Munster. Lilly was wearing make up, what’s her excuse?


Jonn said: Besides, it’s new to you, right?

Responded seriously elsewhere…

You could build a career around what might be new to me if you dig back in time.

mr wolf

Ringo, had she made it thru, something tells me she would have gone into Public Affairs.

or ended up some Gen’s aide office….


prepare for Traffic:

This chick is an aspiring artist, self described “Doctor”, poet, and wanna be author. If you ask me, they really just needs to go back on whatever medication that she was on. What a miserable excuse for a waste of oxygen-her and Matthis would go well together.

Donny D

Whats even worse, she woulda been a prize on the active duty side if she had made it. God, I mean for an Army girl, she was gorgeous


I’m half-drunk now and still wondering what she was on.


Donny D,

Sadly enough, I’d have set her straight.

The End (for TAH tonight)

Southern Class

I sent her a message on Facebook and she replied to me with this drivel. Decipher it if you can:
“Enjoy taking bribes and attacking people that you do not know much? Ah well, you go ahead and continue to pretend that you know all of the circumstances and reasonings behind it. I just posted the video because of the article, it made me laugh. It still does as a matter of fact. No I do not feel the least bit sorry for anything relating to the awol thing. In fact you make me feel great about the decision. I mean if you are going to treat people the way you obviously do, all I can do is laugh at you and move on. You think you know but you have absolutely NO idea. Why don’t you go off and bother someone that cares. I cannot be bothered with you or your half witted nonsense. Good Day.

Oh and if you want to visit hell I hear it is in Norway. Or you could perhaps go fuck yourself in Austria as there is a little town called, Fucking, Austria. ahahaha Oh I just love how the world is a vast space of interesting things to explore. Good luck with that and have a nice time on your trip. Take pictures so we can laugh at you! LMFAO!!”


On her youtube page she says she hates being American. What a coincidence. I hate that she’s American too.


What in God’s name made her join in the first place? Did she intend to go AWOL from the outset with the hope of gaining some attention? I doubt that she can form that complex of a plan so I am back to square one.


Damn, I’d give her a bonus NOT to join.

Southern Class

The wench replied to me that “taking bribes” is for the bonus you get for enlisting. Didn’t offer why she tried to “take a bribe”…………
Just one more loser without a clue. Surefire IVAW board of director material as Casey said. Got all the (lack of) qualifications for sure.