Waiting on the McChrystal verdict (UPDATED)

| June 23, 2010

The way this story has sucked all of the oxygen out of the news coverage, I can’t help but think that the Obama Administration wants to keep the story going to get our minds off of their failures to manage the oil spill.

VoteVets‘ updates on the story today are up to number 6 and equate to “Nothing new”, which mirrors the cable TV half-hourly reports.

Meanwhile, if you’re still interested in the McChrystal subject, there is unequaled analysis from The Armorer at Castle Argghhh!, Grim, up there in the big leagues at Blackfive and Greyhawk.

The word is that Obama is going to announce to the press what his decision is on McChrystal in the Rose Garden at 1330 hrs. Sucking up as much oxygen in the news cycle as he can manage.

I’m sticking with my twin dickhead (Eikenberry/Kerry) prediction. It’s as valid as any of the other guesses – and the absolutely worst-case scenario which is what we’ve come to expect from this administration. I guaren-damn-tee you that if Joe Bite Me was in the room, it was considered. As well as stepping up ninja zombie robot attacks.

UPDATE: McCrystal is out and Petreaus will replace according to Major Garrett on Fox News

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues, Terror War

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Relieved. Hella ghey!


WOW. Stan is out and Patreaua is going back to Afghanistan!


Did this decision require a “suspension of disbelief”?


So what will this mean for Odierno?

I served under him in OIF1


Watching the news coverage, it amazes me that journalists always raise the spector of ‘challenges to the civilian command of the military’, as if McChrystal had been marching Legions into Rome. So far as I can tell, McChrystal thought our civilian leadership were a bunch of boobs. Gee, what a revelation. Could’t have predicted that one. (Sarcasm/off)

Why can’t a disagreement between military leaders and civilian leaders be discussed in terms of who is right and who is wrong, rather than who is challenging whose authority? How else is someone like McChrystal supposed to raise the alarm that our elected boobs just aren’t getting it? Seems like he’s fallen on his sword in order to get that message out.

POTUS is in charge, fine. But he needs to be a big enough person to admit when he’s wrong, when he’s screwed up, and to listen to the professionals. Even if he’s nothing more than a hack pol. But no, his flunkies are all pissed that someone dared call it like they see it. If this is the best we can elect, our country is doomed.

509th Bob

See, I was right when I asked, “How do you know that Obama is any smarter than Donald Trump?” Obama put a four-star into the three-star position, thereby putting another one of those icky and uppity military people in their place. This’ll learn ’em.

Old Tanker

So, will the lefties call him Betrayus now???

Seriously Jonn, do you think this was a safe choice? If they (White House)don’t provide troops if Petreaus asks, stick to the drawdown regardless of a Tali resurgence then no one can blame Petreaus because he turned Iraq around. Anything bad will fall squarely on the White House…


Something tells me that this might also be a kind of a, “We’re sorry,” gesture towards Petraeus after the bullshit he had to endure in 2007 prior to the surge. But at the same time it gives cover to the administration when the troops are withdrawn next year and the whole region turns to shit, Obammy and the rest of the Keystone Kops will be like, “See? Even Petraeus couldn’t hold it together!”

God I fucking hate politics.


Isn’t this a demotion of sorts for Patreaus?


It is–but the move is purely CYA political, IMO.

Old Tanker

I dunno Sparky… If Petreaus starts making troop requests or deadline extensions and the White House says no…it ain’t gonna make Petreaus look bad, nor will it look like it was an unwinnable situation. I don’t know how this ends up a CYA unless Petreaus CAN work magic with the existing deadlines and troop levels…


I am cynical right there with you. I mean the COWboy balked for months on the ‘stan, and everyone gave Petraeus grief for everything he did. I said yesterday that McC should resign, but hindsight has me thinking they should have sent him back to win. This was a media shootdown.

Now, I think we’ll see something akin to a pull-out or complete lack of support for Petraeus and then hear the Pied Piper say he was sticking to some assanine campaign promise.


That’s another side to the issue, OT–it IS going to be a lot harder for the administration to blow off any requests Petraeus might make. They sure as hell won’t leave him twisting in the wind for four months like they did McChrystal.

Then again, anything is possible with these bozos.


NHSparky said:Then again, anything is possible with these bozos.

There it is! I could allude to my Bizarro World reference, but that would not be quite enough. In Bizzaro World they DO have a system of logic.

Back on topic: The next few days/weeks might be entertaining if there were no boots on the ground, but there are!

I don’t give a shit about the pols OR the brass hats… The folks getting shot at don’t deserve this crap. If they were confused before, this event will be worse.


Surprise, surprise. You all get a new bobble-head in charge of your second favorite war, and the first thing you all talk about is his asking for troop increases. It must be easy to keep pushing for more people to go risk their lives for nothing when you all are safe at home behind a computer….


I’m sorry, did someone pull the troll’s chain? Hey dipshit–a lot of the people on this board have combat experience, something I’m willing to wager you don’t have. Now run along, the adults are trying to have a conversation here.


“The way this story has sucked all of the oxygen out of the news coverage, I can’t help but think that the Obama Administration wants to keep the story going to get our minds off of their failures to manage the oil spill.”

If that was the strategy, I can tell you it AIN’T working down here on the Gulf Coast.

Old Tanker


A bobble head would be a yes man…..show me one commenter here that wants Obama to have a yes man….what, you can’t?

Okay, since asked for troop increases were denied, what’s your answer genius? Maybe you should be in charge….

Safe behind my computer?? Yup, today I am, and the boys risking their all….well, they have my support in a way you couldn’t understand…but they understand.

Old Trooper

Hey Mike, the reason we are behind the computer now is because we’ve already been on the other side. Some of us tried to get back to that side, but unfortunately, time and previous physical ailments due to youthful folly the first time around have kept us on the sidelines. Trust me, if they would take beat up old bastards that can’t get through an airport metal detector, then I’m in, but they already told me no twice since 2001; so kiss my fat hairy old ass.

How about you? Why are you behind the computer and not grabbing a weapon and walking a patrol?


Because I was able to choose options other then the Army, like going to college. Someone has to work the jobs supporting those less fortunate when they finally can get out of the military

Powerpoint Ranger

Obvious troll is quite obvious.

I wouldn’t give this guy the satisfaction of getting too heated at his BS. Maybe he really is in college, but he could just as easily be posting from a dark basement or on a lunch break from the nearest heatlamps and fry cookers. It’s also ironic that he’d accuse anyone here of hiding behind a computer when it’s quite doubtful that he has the balls to look a veteran in the eye and open his mouth about anything. So to mike I say welcome, and you are the inspiration behind Gen. Mattis’ words of wisdom as follows:

“When you men get home and face an anti-war protester, look him in the eyes and shake his hand. Then, wink at his girlfriend, because she knows she’s dating a pussy.”

Oh, and go eat a steaming bowl of dick too.

509th Bob

Obviously not a “good” college. Mike, it’s “other THAN,” not “other then.”

Old Tanker

Someone has to work the jobs supporting those less fortunate when they finally can get out of the military

Oh looky, we got the requisite, military-people-are-just-to-dumb-to-do-anything-else. I’ve never heard that one before…


Just so you all know, I’m actually after a degree in psyc. I had too many friends who weren’t as lucky as I was and had to go into the military. The problems they all have now are immense, and I want to be there in a professional role to help them deal with it all. So yes, my anger runs deep at these Gods and Generals who are quick to throw more bodies at a problem they haven’t figured out how manage yet.

Old Tanker

So you want to help your friends deal with problems? This after insulting them by saying they joined the Army because they were less fortunate and not “lucky” like you? What a pal you are. Ask your friends that joined the military what a Blue Falcon is ‘cuz you fit one to the “T”


Hey Mike, no on e”has to go” into the military. With that in mind, I say your whole story is bullshit. For you to say that those that choose to go into the military aren’t “lucky”; how would you know? As for having a college degree; Jonn has college degrees, TSO does, COB6 does. I have a college degree and I work for an international company in their Corporate Technology engineering group. I must have not gotten the memo that I was just stoopid and didn’t know I wasn’t smart enough to go to college. You have put the old, tired Vietnam era narrative out as though you are talking about present day. Sorry, but it was weak then and even weaker now.

Get some new material and get back to us.


“I had too many friends who weren’t as lucky as I was and had to go into the military.” And I had too many friends who weren’t as lucky as I was and didn’t go into the military. Let’s see, there’s the high school girlfriend who pursued her degree in, what was it? Oh yeah, Psychology. She is far less financially stable than I am and still has tens of thousands of dollars in loans to pay back. There’s the best friend who, like a majority of Americans, failed to qualify for the service and has been steadily digging a hole since. I could go on… “It must be easy to keep pushing for more people to go risk their lives for nothing when you all are safe at home behind a computer…” “So yes, my anger runs deep at these Gods and Generals who are quick to throw more bodies at a problem they haven’t figured out how manage yet.” It’s obvious you mistake us for people who actually influence the decision makers. While I appreciate the promotion (I am asking my CO for O-10 pay effective today) I have no desire to be that far away from the troops. You see, unlike yourself and a majority of other American citizens, most of us here have not only served but have led other troops in less-than-friendly situations. More than a few gave 20+ years of their lives in selfless service to this country. Sure, I’m posting from the comfort of my house right now, about to get ready for another day in a cushy job. Being a detailed recruiter makes me a far more prominent enemy than Al-Qaeda in the eyes of many students such as yourself. I guess I’m the liar that entices naive young men and women to go get killed for nothing. I don’t think like that, though. In two years I may very well be directly leading some of these men in Afghanistan, depending on some of these other men and women to keep me supplied and my equipment maintained. By that time you might… Read more »


More educated is not better educated Mike, I challenge you to wear the uniform first, then get the degree.


Edumacated beyond his level of intelligence?????


Mikey, if your friends have “problems they all have now are immense, and I want to be there in a professional role to help them deal with it all”, the biggest problem they have is calling you friend. And, I’m sure you’ll be there for them, professionally, of course. At the going rate, what is it now, $150/hour, $200/hour? So, who’s the bobble head, after all?


Prom Committee Chairman fires the Varsity Football Captain.


Ok, so if you all so quickly deny that you had other opportunities rather then going into the military, I have to wonder why you would seek a profession where your sole responsibility is to kill people or help those who are going to kill people. That’s even more appalling then those who joined to escape poverty and a lack of a future and the result is they are behind a trigger they can’t avoid.

And I know you all are going to jump on the whole “defend the country” bullshite. Switzerland has been able to remain a peaceful country. If our republican leaders weren’t so excited about our expansion through the world for oil, land and glory, we could have how many soldiers here right now protecting our borders? How much money has been funneled out of the country that could be used to support our economy and maybe we wouldn’t be floundering as we all are right now?

so now, the military is an option for those less lucky then I, and as a great welfare check for 20 years as well. I’d love to have all the benefits of service as far as free health care, free housing, free room and board, free clothes…I’m just not going to kill women and children to get it.

Old Tanker


so now, people in the military are really nothing more than welfare recipients? Funny, I never worked so hard for “free stuff” in my life…and you want all those benefits without actually having to earn them, who’s looking for welfare?

why you would seek a profession where your sole responsibility is to kill people or help those who are going to kill people.

You could join and be a medic and even, yes, a psychologist! Sole purpose eh? Like all those Haitians we went to kill after the earthquake…oooops, humanitarian. I know, it must have been all the people we killed in Thailand after the tsunami…humanitarian again…Serbia? Bosnia?

It’s obvious you don’t get it and really, that’s okay, you don’t need to. Just don’t pretend like you do, that’s condescending and none of us need some snot nosed fuckstain looking down their nose at us, we’re all big boys now.


Mikey, you are one completely deluded individual. If the military’s sole responsibility is to kill people or help others kill people, why does Switzerland have a military? Or Sweden? I had plenty of options other than military service, but I chose to go that route. You have a very narrow view of what our military does and I don’t think you have the intellectual capacity to understand more than that narrow view, no matter how much we attempt to enlighten you. That’s ok, though, because some day down the road, you might get it, but in the event that you don’t, Code Pink is looking for some volunteers.

Tonight, when you get hungry, don’t use the microwave to cook anything, because that was an invention borne out of a military device (radar; that’s why Litton, a large military contractor, called their first microwave ovens “radarrange” ovens) and if you go hiking, or drive using GPS, I would suggest that you don’t use a GPS device since that, too, is another military borne thingy.

I promise not to use my first responder knowledge if you ever need quick medical attention (ok, I still will, under protest, because 99.99% of military and former military people aren’t just bloodthirsty killers, we have other things to do when we’re not killing women and children), because I got my first many doses of that type of training in………Gasp! the military.


Something tells me our boy mike is pissed because he keeps falling into the middle of the Cat V range every time he tries to take the ASVAB.


“Something tells me our boy mike is pissed because he keeps falling into the middle of the Cat V range every time he tries to take the ASVAB.”

Might be…

Hell has no fury like a DQ’ed Prospect.


You’re kidding me, right? We all took the ASVAB in high school because our counselor’s husband was a recruiter and it was practically forced on us. I’m here to say too, I barely tried on that thing and got a 99. If you cant get a 99 on that test, then you belong in the military.


Well if his score of 99 was his 2VE+MK+AR score, big whoop, that would give him an AFQT Percentile score of one, brain power one step below a garden slug, Cat V, Non-enlistable. If he’s saying his AFQT score was a 99, first I’d love to see proof, and secondly I’d still not be overly impressed, test scores may indicate a decent education, but they’re no indication of common sense or wisdom. Basic training has a way of proving and developing the latter, and combat is a severe, pass/fail, finishing school……
Whatchya got Mike? Care to test yourself for real?

Old Tanker


I thought you were lucky enough to have choices? You didn’t have to take the ASVAB. The counselors’ husband was a recruiter? Do you know what it takes to be a counselor in a school as far as seniority? Not likely to happen given how long a recruiter is at any given station…


Jonn–you know one guy who got a 99 AFQT. And a 66 on the NFQT–was hung over when I took it.

I’ve got my line scores lying around somewhere too. Personally, I’d love to see our boy mikey ripping his hair out and crying like a little bitch in Nuclear Power School until they just got tired of him and dropped his ass by the Week 3 board.

And that’s just the academics. Stick his ass on a carrier or a boat and watch him REALLY flail.


Jacobite–nails on the “potential/educated but not necessarily common sense” bit. NPS definitely weeded out those who wanted to work and learn versus those who thought they could just coast. I saw guys with 97 QT’s wash out by Week 6, and guys who barely cut the line scores bust their asses studying for an extra 35-40 hours per week who made it and made pretty damn good operators.

Sounds like our boy mikey might be a little afraid of getting his hands dirty or being challenged. That’s okay, sonny–stay in your comfy little box and we’ll do all the work for ya. Just don’t bitch about life when it leaves you behind, m’kay?