Zombie: Islamists and radicals protest Israeli ship in CA

| June 22, 2010

Zombie sent us this link yesterday, and I just forgot about it what with all the stuff going on hereabouts. According to Zombie groups that the San Francisco Chronicle calls “unions and peace groups” are blocking the unloading of a ship in Oakland which has committed the unforgivable crime of being owned by an Israeli company. Now I don’t see any icons of peace groups in this picture, do you?

Zombie lists the groups at the article on Pajama Media.

Category: General Whackos

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Are those Turkish flags?

Free Kurdistan. Let the Kurds go.

I wonder how the Turks will like that.

B Woodman

Run ’em over with a forklift.
Drop a cargo net full on their heads.

That’ll make ’em move & quick enough get out of the way.


“Peace-loving” Jihadists– they only kill Jews because the Koran says so, Allah’s responsible!


Looks like a target rich environment to me.