Rolling Stone Posts Full McChrystal Article

| June 22, 2010


The only thing I have to add to this is that I really think McChrystal is using this article as a way to get himself forced out of Afghanistan. The Rolling Stone reporter responsible for the article was just on CNN and said that pretty much all the controversial stuff was said by McChrystal and his aides within the first 24 hours of him following around McChrystal. McChrystal is not an idiot. He knew Rolling Stone was going to print what he said.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues

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AW1 Tim

I agree completely with that assessment. This article has now forced the MSM to consider the points he’s raised and start to talk about them. Regardless of what happens to the Good General, this has to make the administration very uncomfortable, because now they can’t sweep stuff under the rug and keep bullshitting their way from day to day.

Time for POTUS and his boys to cowboy-up and do some real work rather than spend their time in the bunkhouse playing checkers and pretending they’re buckaroos.


‘Only two days earlier, he had received an e-mail from Israel Arroyo, a 25-year-old staff sergeant who asked McChrystal to go on a mission with his unit. “I am writing because it was said you don’t care about the troops and have made it harder to defend ourselves,” Arroyo wrote.’

I’m impressed that SSG was physically able to go on foot patrol with the gargantuan balls one in his position must have to email a four star general, and the subsequent beating he probably took from higher when it resulted in McChrystal paying a visit.

Adirondack Patriot

I agree as well. It also gives the country a glimpse into what gets this President all “weed-weed up”.

What gets him off the golf course? Cambridge cops arresting loudmouth Harvard professors and articles in Rolling Stone by a General who criticised the Obama Administration the same way Shinseki (Obama’s VA Secretary) criticised President Bush.

By the way, what is McChrystal’s home state and when is their next U.S. Senate race?




Agree. From reading it, it seemed McChrystal was using it break something loose.


IMHO COIN might work if your into nation building and want to spend 20 plus years in Afganistan. But because these people are muslims the chances are slim and none. All nonmuslims will forever be their enemy until there is a rewrite of the Quran. Shock and awe seems to be a better strategy. COIN would work in any non Islamic country. Don’t think the cult of Islam was taken into account when said strategy was implemented.


Maybe you’re right, Dan. If you web search this POS writer, you see that he is anti-Iraq and Afghanistan. If the General did not do this on purpose, he and his staff were idiots to be so lax around this POS. This guy set out to do a hit piece on the General, but either way, they should have been more professional.