Can someone reconcile this for me?

| June 15, 2010

VoteVets (from the smithy of dicks) today:

Seriously, though, I’m just giving a Petraeus a hard time (because you know he reads VetVoice everyday [/sarcasm]). Dehydration can happen to the best of us in a given situation, like when you have to walk around Capitol Hill in blues in the middle of June. Here’s hoping General Petraeus can chug a two-quart and get back in the fight, ASAP. There are few GOs for whom I have more respect.

OK, so VoteVets, through their spokesdouche Dicksmith likes Petreaus, and respects him. Then WTF with this advertisement you took out which not only incorrectly prognosticated failure of the surge, but also laid the blame for that at Petreaus’ feet?

I honestly don’t see any wiggle room. Maybe they could say they opposed the surge, but not Petreaus, but that makes no sense, since as is laid out in the video, the surge is Petreaus’ plan. And since VoteVets never once spoke out when their MoveOn Masters did the Betray Us ad, I can’t help but think that all this commity and commaraderie of spirit is a bit…. Well, it’s bullshit, that’s what I think.

Category: Politics

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Dicksmith doesn’t know what Dicksmith is talking about. He was before the surge before he was against it, dontcha know.

Jonn Lilyea

I can reconcile it for you – VoteVets acts like there are no archives on the internet. They keep talking about the flak vest thing like no one has ever proved them wrong – something Fact Check did within days of their specious ad.

Every one of their ads doesn’t mention that the Obama Clean Energy Bill is based on the fact that a viable new energy source was discovered five years ago when such a source doesn’t yet exist.

It’s the political equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears, closing your eyes and repeating “Nah, nah, nah…I can’t hear you”.


It kinda reminds me of Michael Yon, who despises McChrystal and wants him fired, but adores Petraeus, not realizing that its Petraeus that will need to do the firing.


I think it is also possible for people to change their minds. I certainly have. I used to despise Petraeus, but after reading articles by and about him as well as watching what he has done, I have a lot of respect for him.