Al Gore; big fat dork

| June 15, 2010

This whole Al Gore-getting-a-divorce thing has me pissed off. He and Tipper “grew apart”…what does that mean? My wife and I married 33 years ago; We met in an elevator on January 15th, 1977 and married in a civil service on April 15th, 1977. We powered through some very difficult times, not the least of which was three teenage girls in the 90s.

We ran out of things to talk about at times. Eleven years ago we were in virtual poverty (something Al Gore hasn’t experienced, I’m sure) when we moved to DC, then took off on our separate careers from our tiny apartment in Northeast.

For more than three years, we didn’t see each other from Sunday night until Friday afternoon each week because of our hours. We piled our money away until, finally, it didn’t make sense for her to work because her wages equaled our taxes, so she quit being a nurse at Walter Reed and we moved to Silver Spring, MD to a bigger and cheaper apartment. I began telecommuting 3 times every week and we were home together all of the time, almost. Still no problems.

This year we took our pile of cash and bought our first house and suddenly we had to take care of stuff landlords always worried about before. Luckily, we had a pile of cash with which to employ the entire state of West Virginia. Neither of us are contemplating divorce.

Divorce is a tool of the young – a selfish tool to perpetuate their youths. (Yeah, I know, so yell at me.)

According to Ace, Gore is divorcing because he had a fling with Laurie David. Is there a bigger skank than Laurie David? That’s what rock purveyors and entertainers do to keep the attention on them – Gore was almost our president, f’Pete’s sake. Personally, I feel loads better about casting my vote for Bush in 2000, don’t you?

To me his current personae is like one of those fiftyish bald guys driving a Corvette with the top down and his ponytail (wrapped around both sides of his head, of course) waving at the college chicks in Georgetown. Grow the fuck up, Al, you’re such a douchebag that it’s splashing on the rest of us.

Category: Pointless blather

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I have come to the conclusion that guys like Algore are neither men nor boys.
A man keeps his word and doesn’t go sleeping around. He is fiercely loyal to and protective of his wife.
A boy cares more for his dog than the Algores of the world care for their wives. A boy would not intentionally hurt his dog.
I guess instead they are cowards, narcissists, and scumbags. Not either men nor boys.

Dave Allison

I know the feeling Jonn, I met my wife in Korea in 1976, got reassigned and brought her over here and got married on March 15, 1977 in Bel Air, Maryland We made several moves as I am sure you did and finally after saving up enough cash and getting stationed in DC we decided to buy a house near Fredericksburg Virginia. We went through some very tough and tight times, including like you a pair of teenagers in the 90’s. They grew up just fine, my wife and I are still together and although we don’t talk to each other as much as we use to (we use hand signals a lot), we are still together. I think it has a lot to do with character and integrity and keeping your feet planted firmly on the ground. I guess couples our age staying married are a rarity.

AW1 Tim

WE passed through 25 years this past May.

Gore is a carbuncle on the ass of the body politic. If you can’t trust a man to keep his vow to his wife, to keep that one simple promise, what CAN you trust him with?


Army Sergeant

I am posting here only to remind you that some of us have very, very, VERY good reasons for our divorces.

AW1 Tim

And I don’t doubt that at all. I expect Tipper to clear a windfall from Al over HIS indiscretions.


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Operator Dan

Ditto Army Sergeant.

I think if Al was sleeping around Tipper had a very good reason to leave him.



Just A Grunt

It will be 25 years this coming January for me. The first year was spent apart with me in Korea and her in the states, results of another Army FUBAR. My orders were supposed to have been rescinded. Commander said go ahead get married and when I got back I got the news that the orders stood so 24 days after getting married I headed to the Land of Peaceful Calm or something.

There has been innumerable separations, ups and downs, good times and bad times but we took those vows seriously and we have made it this far. Divorce now a days it seems in a majority of cases seems to be more a matter of convenience then a final answer.

The running gag now is my wife asking me don’t I have a field problem or something to go on since we now see each other every day.

And no, I am not dismissing those cases where divorce really is the only answer either as a response to real physical danger posed or self destructive behavior of a partner.


Well, as long as we’re all sharing…I got married after 9 months. We jumped through all the military hoops. It will be 24 years in July and 4 kids. We have had some tough times as well. Three un-employments in the last four years could have sunk us. We used up savings, retirement and still managed. We are dirt poor in comparison to 2005 and have a kid going to the University of Michigan in fall. (In terms of money, I am freaking…because I can only do so much.)

I guess the bottom line really is that sometimes it isn’t about love, yet it is.
We often ask if it’s worth it to put up with the bad shit…I say as long as the good times outweigh the bad and you can separate actions from emotion, it’s alll good!!

Joseph Brown

I married this little old 17 girl when I was a 20 year old E3. That was 53 years ago this past Dec and we’re still here.
Our oldest daughter is now a 51 y/o grand mother. Think that won’t deflate your ego?


People get divorced. It doesn’t work out for a myriad of reasons, and I am no exception. 13 years, down the shitter just before Christmas. But the big issue with Gore and similar people is the phony projection that he has the perfect marriage and that if we could all just be like him…Sorry, Al–I managed to keep my dick in my pants while I wore my ring–from the day I got married until the day the papers came back from the judge and court. I’m not perfect, but at least I have a clear conscience that I wasn’t blowing sunshine up anyone’s ass.


One thing I’ve noticed about conservatives – the only way to do something right is to do it their way. They know what’s best, and what’s moral for everyone else. So I guess I have to ask, what the hell business is it of yours what Al and Tipper do? I’ll answer it for you – none of your business. There are no young kids involved, they’re all consenting adults. They could be happily married and having gigantic daisy chain orgies at thier house, and it still wouldn’t be any of your business. Get a frickin’ life of your own.


It’s a waste of time to point this out I know, but Joe, the reason it rubs people the wrong way is specifically as NH says, “But the big issue with Gore and similar people is the phony projection that he has the perfect marriage and that if we could all just be like him…”

He was a public official who shed the privacy of traditional existence to put himself out there as a role model, and very vocally called people to the carpet for not seeing things HIS way. It’s perfectly acceptable delve into the hypocrisy of such a figure, and it becomes a part of the normal discourse on the reliability of the man and his positions.

As a Libertarian I’m not so concerned with controlling the behavior between everyday consenting adults, but I AM concerned with the honesty and integrity of those who would desire to lead us and be the physical representation of our Nation abroad.


So, Jonn, with two consenting adults mutually agreeing to seperate, with no proof or admission of adultery, with no dependent kids, exactly who is getting screwed here? Your analogy comparing two adults agreeing to split with liberals screwing you in business is invalid and out in left field. It really just demonstrates the conservative tendency, probably inherent in most human beings but reaching its highest development in conservatives and religionists, to think they know what’s best for everyone else, to feel they can tell others how they should live their lives, and to feel very uncomfortable with other people who don’t toe the conservative line. This isn’t politics, this doesn’t involve national security, this isn’t business, there is no money at stake, it’s just a free-floating predisposition to stick their noses in other people’s business. This is one of those many inscrutable conservative paradoxes – FREEDOM! on the one hand, but I know how you should be living your life on the other.


Well, Jacobite, maybe they DID have a solid marriage, but life isn’t some static thing, it’s a constantly evolving process. When they projected their perfect marriage, as you put it, maybe it was a perfect marriage. But life and time have a way of throwing us curve balls that we could never have anticipated. I do not think they were putting on an act 10-15 years ago. That very public kiss would be hard to fake. Maybe what makes everyone so uncomfortable is the idea that their own marriage could be next. But it’s cynical and presumptious to assume they were pulling the wool over the public’s eyes all those years.


Joe, you are entitled to your opinion, but I personally believe it’s naïve and dangerous to believe other wise. There’s too much accumulated evidence to the contrary.


“That very public kiss would be hard to fake”. C’mon Joey Boy, they do it in Hollyweird everyday. And, with mention of Sodom on the Pacific, where is Al’s new love nest, er, house?
Let’s see, environmental activist meets environmental guru, result? More global warming? Let’s see, both Al and Laurie have houses on opposite coasts, both fly private jets to and fro? Hypocrisy, thy name is evironmentalism.