Stupid people of the week

| October 20, 2024 | 10 Comments

Fix It Again Tony

Suspects can’t start car after carjacking attempt

Police say two men carjacked a driver in the 3600 block of Spottswood on Saturday but left empty-handed because they couldn’t start the vehicle.

The victim said the armed suspects opened the driver’s side door of his red Ford Escape and told him to get out of the SUV.

Investigators said the victim ran away, and the suspects fled in a gray Nissan Altima after they failed to start the Escape.

Police said minutes before the alleged carjacking, the same men in the gray Altima were caught on camera burglarizing another vehicle parked along a street.

In the video, both suspects are seen holding guns. One of them jumps into a silver convertible and points his weapon toward a nearby residence. It is unclear what he was aiming at.

Source; Yahoo! News

Pro-Palestine activist tears down Greek flags after mistaking them for Israeli ones

A pro-Palestine activist tore down Greek banners from a restaurant after mistaking them for Israeli flags.

The woman posted a video online of her ripping down the flags outside a gyro in Montclair, New Jersey while yelling: “Free Palestine, b—-.”

An employee of the restaurant watched her in astonishment from the counter, prompting the woman to shout: “What you looking at?”

“You know damn well there’s a genocide. You know there’s a genocide. I’m taking this s— down.”

She appeared to be tearing down the flags from the restaurant while holding her phone in her free hand.

At one point, the video shows her moving a chair up to a wall and putting it down with a clang, apparently to reach flags located above the front of the building.

According to the New York Post, the incident took place at Efi’s Gyro, which bills itself as “the friendliest restaurant in town”.

“I don’t stand for this. There’s genocide. And I don’t stand for Zionism,” the woman, who goes by “Ambamelia” on TikTok, continued.

“They’re killing children,” she added, as two employees of the restaurant stepped outside to confront her.

A man who apparently worked for the restaurant then repeatedly explained the flags were Greek.

“Oh I thought it was Israel, my bad,” the woman excused herself.

Efi Mihalis, the owner of Efi’s Gyro, confirmed that the attack was real but had taken place in March, and accused the woman of destroying her property.

“It was not a skit as some people believe,” she told The New York Post. “This was not planned nor was it calculated in any way,”.

Ms Mihalis added that everyone had been “taken aback” when the flags were torn down.

She went full retard. You never go full retard.

Source; Telegraph

Latin plant names could be racist, warns University of Michigan

Using Latin names for plants may be racist, the University of Michigan has warned, in guidance to prevent the influence of colonial “power structures” on visitors.

A strategy document for the university’s botanical gardens and arboretum warns against using the traditional combination of an English name and Latin name on plaques next to its plants, amid concerns they could erase “other forms of knowing”.

The University of Michigan, which has been criticised for its expansive diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) policies, has spent more than $250 million on inclusivity initiatives since 2016.

As part of its plan to ensure “foundational change at every level”, the college has created a series of strategic plans for every aspect of its work, including the Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum.

A “strategic plan” issued last year, first reported on Wednesday by The New York Times, warned that horticultural bosses were “deeply enmeshed within interlocking systems of domination” and used “linguistic and representational practices that are, generally, complicit in the continued erasure of non-dominant relationships to ‘nature’”.

‘Actively erased’

The document states: “When botanical gardens and arboreta display Latin taxa, English ‘common name’, and perhaps a brief scientific description, what other ways of knowing are not only missing but actively erased?”

It references an academic article that warns that botany is “deeply intertwined with the histories of colonialism, racism, and imperialism”.

Botanical gardens generally display plants with two names, their “common name” in English, and a Latin name using the binomial system popularised by Carl Linnaeus, an 18th-century Swedish biologist.

The college’s strategy document pledges that the arboretum will use its collections “to not simply respond to the complexities of our shifting socio-cultural landscape, but… to lead cultural institutions with living collections toward more self-critical, just, and equitable futures”.

However, photographs posted online by the university’s arboretum show that some plants are still displayed with their Latin names, despite the DEI guidance.

The institution’s website boasts that it is “more than a collection of plants” but a “force for social and ecological resilience”.

They went full retard too.

Source; Telegraph

‘I knew she shouldn’t of had that:’ Woman let diabetic teen die after drinking milkshake

A woman was arrested after officials said she neglected to provide a 17-year-old with medical assistance needed for her diabetes.

In June 2021, the South Carolina Law Enforcement Division (SLED) was requested by the Charleston County Coroner’s Office to begin an investigation into the death of a 17-year-old girl.

The teen, who was diagnosed with Type I diabetes, was in the care of Shirl Lee Sweeney, 50. According to the warrant, there were several canceled and ‘no-show’ medical appointments after doctors told Sweeney the victim needed to attend her follow-up appointments to maintain her insulin regimen.

In Sept. 2021, the victim was admitted to the hospital for high blood sugar. Doctors told Sweeney that the victim had no option but to take her insulin. Medical staff told the suspect if the victim experiences vomiting take her to the hospital due to a symptom of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).

On Aug. 12. 2022, the victim was seen vomiting by Sweeney but the victim was not taken to the hospital.

The following day, Sweeney called 911 after finding the victim on the bathroom floor. The warrant says, that while Sweeney was on the phone with dispatch, she could be heard saying “I knew she shouldn’t of had that milkshake.”

The victim was taken to the hospital where she was pronounced dead.

According to the warrant, the victim’s blood sugar glucose level was 953 mg/dL. The victim’s weight dropped from 136 pounds to 98 pounds. Her cause of death was listed as hyperosmolar ketoacidosis due to diabetes mellitus. The manner of death was listed as a homicide.

The warrant states that the 50-year-old suspect did not take the victim to her appointments for a year.

The relationship between the suspect and victim was redacted, but the warrant said Sweeney was responsible for the victim’s welfare.

The warrant states that Sweeney medically neglected the victim and placed her at unreasonable risk of harm, which affected her life, physical health and safety.

On Wednesday, SLED charged Sweeney with unlawful conduct towards a child.

She was booked into the Charleston County Detention Center.

Source; WSB-TV

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Crime, Stupid Criminals

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I bet the SUV driver ran away with the key fob that allows the car to start.


Fix It Again Tony” I don’t see a damn thing broken on that Goddess of Hotness…’cept maybe…all of the broken hearts she has left in her wake.

One thing IS for sure…a whole lot of teh stoopid going on…and it’s criminal.


The golden finish, the svelte lines…and a FIAT. Feeble Italian Attempt at Transportation.

Retired Grunt

Just remember, no matter how hot that goddess might be, somebody, somewhere is tired of their shit.


Oh, that I should become so weary…


Late entry: Lizzo!

“If Kamala wins, then the whole country will be like Detriot!”:


They can’t hear themselves speak… they just can’t.. there’s no way they can be stupid enough to think that sounds like a good thing. It takes more braincells just to remember to breath than to believe anything that stupid..


comment image


I mean, she’s NOT wrong..


I remember the good ol days when all you needed was a
slap hammer to jack a ride.
Nowadays one needs a password and an account just to get
into the glove box.