Patriots’ Christian Barmore accuses traffic cops of being racist

| October 19, 2024

Providence Police Department officers pulled Christian Barmore, Patriots lineman, over at 1 in the morning. They noticed that Barman was “slow rolling”; he was driving too slow. They saw that his windows were tinted, that there were ashes associated with drugs in his vehicle, and there also were tubes containing marijuana in the vehicle. Barmore was cited for other violations as well. Barmore later claimed that the officers that pulled him over were “racists.”

From Breitbart:

Barmore was stopped at 1 a.m. by the Providence Police Department, and officers claimed he was “slow-rolling” his vehicle. According to a Fox News report, he was also cited for having tinted windows in violation of local ordinances.

Officers describe “slow rolling” as the act of a driver taking extra time to come to a halt in a traffic stop so that he has time to hide things that would cause an officer to ramp up his suspicions of wrongdoing if seen openly inside the car.

Barmore’s car was searched during the stop, and officers found ashes from what they suspect are illegal drugs. The police also reported finding marijuana in small tubes inside the car.

The NFL player was also cited for several other violations, including driving an unregistered vehicle, driving with an expired license, and violating license plate display rules.

Barmore was not taken into custody, but police did tow his car to a police impound.

After the incident, Barmore claimed the officers were racists.

“I just experienced for the first time [five] Providence cops being very unprofessional racism at it’s finest,” Barmore wrote on social media. It appears he later deleted the message.

Additional Reading: 

Huston, W. T. (2024, October 17). Patriots lineman Christian Barmore calls cops ‘racists’ after traffic stop. Breitbart. Link.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", SJW Idiocy, Society

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President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Is the evidence raycisssss also?


Yep, enforcing the law is definitely racist.. police should NEVER have a problem with an unregistered vehicle, illegal license plate display, or someone driving with an expired license.. He’s obviously too important a man for such trivial things… I wonder if he pulled the “do you know who I am” as well as the race card?



Guess I forgot to mention that in a sane world, the Patriots would bench him for his race-baiting bullshit.. not that they ever would..


Let’s pray for common sense to take over! At some point!

It has to!



SPoTW Thread candidate? One would think with the amount that National Felon League players make, he’d have enough money to pay his vehicle registration and the driver’s license fee. And have enough left over to do his partying in a nice Hotel Suite or get him a ride home. He’ll walk as a 1st offender and…reasons.



BUT,,, YOU are looking at this through the lens of a colonist!

He is a victim!! (No matter,, the $Ms he makes! AND no matter that he didn’t ever actually suffer, he shares a skin pigmentation with those that did 150 years ago!J/K

I have a black son that would slap the $h1t out of him just for principle!

Again, common sense has got to take over at some point!!!


They see him rolling, they be hating.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC
A Proud Infidel®™

Just like on many an episode of “COPS” where some “Victim of Society’ gets pulled over for say, 55 MPH in a 30 MPH zone, but NO, they were pulled over for “driving while black” as it says in the ACME® manual that comes with the ACME® Race Card™

jeff LPH 3 63-66

It looks like the Providence LEO’s forgot about the Fergusson effect which is just do parking meter expirations and everything that isn’t involved with traffic stops, domestics, gun runs drive slow enough to get to the scene right after it is over so you could go home to see your family instead of your family seeing you in a coffin. A lot depends on the demographics of the neighborhood you are working in. I forgot to add about cooping behind Dunkin Donuts.


If the officer were female he could have pulled the sexist card.
Unless of course he was out cruising all transgendered up and
looking for love in all the wrong places.


Off-topic, but still “progressive”… CNBC notices that inflation, though decreased, still sucks royally:

Pic from story above (dig the Walmart prices for Halloween candy from Wednesday, 16 Oct, this week):
comment image

Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

Maybe he can explain how the cops could see he was black through the dark tinted windows.


Especially at 1 AM. Was his dope, I mean, dome light on?


I spent 14 years on 3rd shift, 9am to 7am. One can’t determine race by looking at the windows, most times. Unless other indicators are present, like bullet holes, deeply tinted windows, 19inch wheels, low profile tires, car either jacked up or lowered to within 3 inches of the road, etc. etc.


Not very Christian of him. He should go to the Bar less.


I’m a just drop this right here, brother, please…

Last edited 3 months ago by ChipNASA

What a CHUMP…
No wonder the Pats suck with this idiot on the team.
He hit the traffic stop homerun: drugs in car, no plates, expired license, and expired registration.
Anybody want to guess if it was you or I with this list of offenses that we’d be taking a ride courtesy of Johnny Law.