Oh shit….

| June 15, 2010

Alert from Politico:

POLITICO Breaking News:

Gen. David Petraeus collapsed in his chair during intense questioning in a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing Tuesday morning. He was walked out of the room, and the hearing has been recessed.

Lots of prayers.

Video thanks to the Weekly Standard.

Category: Politics

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Old Trooper

I’ll see your oh shit and raise you a WTF!?!

Prayers for the General.

Jonn Lilyea

I gotta think that he was just weary of the same old questions. “Did you ever kill anyone?” “What’s it like to jump out of an airplane?” “Have you ever punched a hippie?”

Old Trooper

Jonn, either that or Nancy Pelosi was sitting there and flashed him the biscquit.

Old Tanker

He must have had to listen to that blathering idiot from my state, Carl Levin, too long. Either that or Hillary had another suspension of all disbelief. Over at Fox they’re reporting that he seems to be doing fine…


He’s fine. You guys haven’t forgotten the greatest “Sham-awry” trick ever have you? Fake sick, two days quarters, miss force-march live fire.

Or maybe he just couldn’t stomach the possibility of having to call Barbara Boxer anything other than batshit crazy leftist!


I hope he’s fine. He used to enjoy leading the Iron Rakkasans in battalion runs when he was 101st CG, even as an “old man” he could still run many of us into the ground.

Adirondack Patriot

Ace of Spades is reporting he came back to the hearing and wanted to continue. He said he was dehydrated, but is fine now.

Senators said they would postpone the hearing for another day.

Well done, General.


It’s a disgrace. What they do to our military leaders in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee is illegal to do to a terrorist in a CIA black site. They grill them and hound them and wear them down. They break them. And they mean to break them, just to prove they can. That kind of stress would break anyone.
Pray for General Petraeus, that he may stay strong under fire–from any direction.


in our prayers

AW1 Tim


You gotta know now that the leftists in power will be using this as an excuse to force his retirement, or move him out of the way of their nefarious plans.


Phew. I saw that and I couldn’t connect long enough to post. Phew.


It looks like a bit of exhaustion. How long has the General been running on high tempo? Several years of high stress and probably little down time will wear anyone out.


Yeah Pinto. They make them answer lots of hard questions about our progress and process. THey expect them to be able to give quantifieable results. That kind of pressure is redicullous. It’s like these senators think they are responsible for the lives of our troops and the course of our county. My god!

Adirondack Patriot


Politicians start wars.

Soldiers end them.



Wars are politcal things and politicians both start and end them. But I digress.

There is more info from CNN: http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/06/15/afghanistan.petraeus/index.html?hpt=Sbin

It seems that the General didn’t have breakfast this morning and simply fainted. He returned to the conference room to applause. It makes sense that if he didn’t eat this could happen. I saw it twice on active duty where guys PTed, didn’t eat and then passed out. I pray that is all there is and that he will be at full capacity by lunch.


#13 HM2:
Don’t misunderstand me. Absolutely our military leaders should answer to our elected officials and the people who put them in office. My previous comment had to do with the “across the desk” approach that is used. If the General has done something to deserve that harsh, punitive approach, then it should be used. If not, it should not be used.


Now that we know he is fine I can be a smart ass. He was just tired of hearing McCain say “my friend” and he was beating his head against the table.


I figured it was Mcain calling him an American hero. That would make anyone faint