Veterans Today takes sober assessment of the Flotilla debacle

| June 2, 2010

Nah, just kidding, they are going batshit crazy again.

“Freedom Flotilla: Massacre at Sea”…. What a shame they couldn’t continue with the alliteration.

Oh, and the Irish vessel enroute to the Gaza? That would be named after Rachel Corrie, shown here passing on love, Constitutionalism and American Flag Burning to the youths of Palestine.

Rachel you may recall was run over by an Isreali bulldozer when she refused to get out from in front of it when the IDF was trying to plug up smuggling tunnels. Mind you the bulldozer driver has limited visibility, and it was not one of those NASCAR bulldozers you hear so much of, but rather the old school, 5mph ones.

I love the way everyone has beatified this chick who died protecting weapons smuggling tunnels. There used to be “Rachel Corrie Pancake Breakfasts” which seems the most asinine way ever to honor someone run over by a bulldozer. Just imagine if they held a JFK grape smashing event.

EDIT Sporkmaster. Normally I would write my own post but this is too good not to add.

Seems that they took video of them on their way there.But the best quote is this one.

The MV Rachel Corrie has now left Cyprus and is still making for Gaza. She is due to arrive there tomorrow – Wednesday 2nd June it is carrying 15 purely humanitarian activists and none? are carrying arms let’s all wish her a safe voyage the world is watching, you Zionist bastards

TSO Added:
S6R sent me a video that he suspects is what the Rachel Corrie thing looked like:

Old Tanker added

Hey, on the Rachel Corrie, isn’t that Michael Berryman Paul Reickhof.
from “The Hills Have Eyes”? fixed for the ever present blogmaster
Michael Berryman

Category: Politics

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Bubblehead Ray

Sniper, I’m sorry man… but you’re wrong. She used to be a “C” cup, but then her whole body FIT in A cup.