FBI continues to beat dead horse-sized object

| May 26, 2010

For those of us who were disappointed that John Murtha escaped punishment by inconveniently dying during the FBI’s investigation of his shenanigans while a Pennsylvania congressman, the Washington Times reports that they are still digging into Murtha’s antics;

The FBI released hundreds of pages of documents concerning Murtha on Tuesday in response to open records requests, but kept sealed most of its files on the corruption probe that had dogged Murtha until his death.

“As this investigative file is still in ‘pending status,’ the bulk of the file’s FBI documents are not releasable until the conclusion of the investigation,” the FBI said in releasing the documents on its website.

Murtha’s name had surfaced repeatedly in connection with the ongoing federal probe into defense contractors who gave him and other members of Congress campaign donations.

I suspect the FBI has been instructed to keep the records sealed to protect former Murtha staffer Mark Critz, who just won a special election last week to fill Murtha’s ample seat.

Category: John Murtha

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And so the Pa. Democrat gravy train rolls on…


I don’t know. Murtha couldn’t have done all of it by himself, so it seems logical that the FBI continue to look into it. And hopefully nab whoever else was involved.

As far as keeping it secret…your reasons are probably correct. Aren’t all investigations supposed to remain under wraps until done anyhow. Its sad that this is more noticeable for having followed the policy than not.