Webb to vote ‘no’ on DADT compromise

| May 26, 2010

Apparently Senator James Webb has decided to vote against the Congressioanl compromise bill to overturn the Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy currently keeping gay military members in the closet. He reasons;

The White House and Secretary Gates both said today that, ideally, the Defense Department should complete this review before legislative action is taken. There is no question that a review of the policy is necessary and important. I see no reason for the political process to pre-empt it.”

The White House and Congress have been shoving their POS bill around hoping that they can make it appear as if they’re actually doing something for their base besides posturing. Now Webb stands in their way to pass anything they can use as a banner before the election.

So I’m wondering what dicksmith will say. At Vets Voice, he’s been regularly beating up on Republicans who’ve spoken out against repealing DADT before the Pentagon has finished it’s study. I can only imagine how deafening is the silence in dicksmith’s dorm room right now since dicksmith has to change his Depends every time someone mentions Webb. Imagine – Webb agrees with Scott Brown.

Category: Military issues

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One of the times Webb pulls his head out of his ass just long enough to draw breath. While DADT won’t make shit bit of difference to me per se if it’s repealed, the milblogger letter WAS right–Congress shouldn’t be jumping the gun and trying to dictate policy to the military unless and until the serivce chiefs and DoD have their input FIRST.


Webb soon to have his own field of fire.


Dude. The crickets are deafening around dicksmith just now.


Dosen’t it make sense that Webb and Brown agree. Webb is a right of center Dem and Brown a left of center Repub. (Otherwise known as moderates.) It makes me smile when people buy their own hype.




Wow, just when I think Webb is a 100% tool he goes and does something right. Right now he is hovering at about 95% tool. Way to go senator!


Sorry, # 7 belongs to me, Marine 83.

Marine 83

Just makin sure this is working right now, sorry Im an idiot.

USMC Steve

Pricksmith won’t say a damned thing. One of his comrades has now spoken.