President Obama’s Epic Victory over Hypocrisy

| May 25, 2010

It is no secret that I am not a huge fan of the current administration but I am man enough to give credit where it is due and this time President Obama’s hard stand on his personal convictions over the hypocritical political expedient is breathtaking.

President Obama will not be attending the annual Memorial Day events at Arlington National Cemetery.

Not because of pressing matters of state but because he will be vacationing with his Klingon war bride in Chicago.

I am grateful for the President’s courageous stand for at least two reasons:

1. The man does not love this country or the ideals that those interred on that hallowed ground died for. He sees America as evil and a root cause of all of the world’s problems both real and imagined. Among the rows of graves at Arlington are some of the greatest Americans who ever lived but these are just regular Americans and not the academic, political elite that the President holds in much higher esteem. A man who holds American exceptionalism in such contempt should never let his shadow fall on ground carved out as a symbol of respect for the very best this country stands for.

2. Thanks to his principled stand against honoring those whom he loathes I will not be forced to hold back that scream of disgust when he would lean forward with all of the fake sincerity of a porn star screaming and desecrate something that I personally hold so closely.

Thank you Mr. President.


Category: Politics

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Thanks for posting this.

The Old One

Obama will never honor something he hates…


Why am I not surprised. Have I become such an utter cynic that something so deeply offensive does not surprise me? Blow off Memorial Day and apparently repeal DADT before the DoD study is complete, nope, no surprise at all. How sad.


“….what would you say you do here.”


How unbelievably disrespectful. No matter how he may feel personally about this country and/or war, as President he has an obligation to honor those who have fought and died.

COB6: do you know if any other sitting President has ‘blown off’ the tradition of honoring the troops on Memorial Day?

COB6 Wrote: In 2002 or 2003 President Bush was on state business in Europe but did take the morning off to lay a wreath at the American cemetery at Normandy. Other than that (which was very appropriate in my view) I can’t think of an occassion.

Frankly Opinionated

I copied and sent this post to my e-mail circle. I couldn’t have written it better, but feel identically.

Nuf Sed


If Obama is buried at Arlington he will be the first illegal alien buried there.

Would you attend a memorial service for terrorists killed while attacking US soldiers? You seem to be one of the few bloggers who actually KNOWS FOR SURE which side Obama is on.

I still can’t put the words “Obama” and “president” together. It still doesn’t sound right.


Source please?


The Messiah should be at Arlington on Memorial Day if he is not abroad on official business but if he is in Chicago and visits the nearest National Cemetery and lays a wreath i’m not sure i have a huge problem with that.

John 5 (VN69/70)

COB6, Well Said

A veteran – whether active duty, retired, National Guard, or reserve… is someone who, at one point in his/her life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to and including my life”.

That is an Honor, and there are way to many people in this country who no longer understand it.


Jon–I do. He’s in Chicago to party down FIRST. The trip to Lincoln Cemetery is an afterthought, and if he thought he could get away with it, he’d probably blow that off too. Like Kipling said, “You can bet that Tommy sees!”


I don’t know guys; I think we might be stepping beyond the bounds of “loyal opposition.”
Quick someone with a PHD from an Ivy League school let us know if we have over stepped the bounds of our moral and ethical code.
After all we wouldn’t want TSO to be held responsible for what strangers say on his open (mostly) forum.

Beyond that, I am also glad that the POTUS will not be playing lip service to true national heroes.
Also note that he will also not be visiting the Kennedy memorial. I believe the reason to be because if he were to come to close to that eternal flame the spirit of JFK would cause the flame to consume the Presidential Trainee.
Note to all Technocracy Official Liberty Liaisons (or TROLL for short)that are monitoring this transmission: I am not advocating a violent revolution of the Presidential monument that are in honor of Presidents that are rolling in their graves.
I am only hypothesizing on potential reasons why our POTUS would disregard the very individuals that a holiday commemorates.


Obama apparently doesn’t feel the need to fake it any longer. Perhaps because his polling data tells him he has passed the point of no return and many Americans are on to his post partisan post racial messianic healer charade. So as a vet I too thank Obama for sparing me and my brothers and sisters the urge to vomit. You aren’t worthy to touch the soil of that sacred place let alone shed phoney tears for those you hold in contempt. If only Bill Clinton had had your “integrity”.


But enjoy your partying Mr.President. You can rest easy knowing that Americans across the globe in uniform are keeping the barbarians at bay while you hobnob with the “elite”. /spit

Little Mikey

COB6, I think I have it figured out.

They’re showing the first Star Trek in Chicago at a drive in. Michelle wouldnt dream of missing her big on screen début…


Sorry boys and girls; I just can’t muster up any outrage. Most of us have known for a very long time what he thinks of the military, since he was on his world cool guy tour and stopped in Germany. He had time to shoot some hoops at a military base, but didn’t have time to visit the wounded. It was on that very day that I lost any hope for him being human.

Others can disagree with me, but that’s how I see it. I don’t recall if he went to Arlington last year, either.

USMC Steve

Basically that is what I thought as well. No one will ever convince me that the Halfrican gives a shit about anyone who has ever worn or been killed in a uniform for this country that his thunderthighed wife has said she had no pride in ( until they kissed Barry’s ass and nominated him). So in this case I also shall not have to see him halfassing his way through another public appearance he would rather not make.


[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Dennis Gibson, Michael McElmeel. Michael McElmeel said: Obama's epic victory over hypocrisy […]


It would be disrespectful for him to visit Arlington where brave men lay. I cringe everytime I see him salute, so go boogy down with Ayers and the boys and stay away from the vets.


COB6, that was my thought too. It’s a very sad state of affairs when you feel mild relief that the sitting President is not going to Arlington on Memorial Day.


[…] President Obama’s Epic Victory over Hypocrisy President Obama will not be attending the annual Memorial Day events at Arlington National Cemetery. […]


He’s sending Gaffemeister Biden in his place. Ain’t that a hoot? All things considered, Obama doesn’t belong at a place like Arlington anyway. The presence of this anti-American, anti-military fuckwad at one of the most hallowed cemeteries in the world, is an insult to the memory of the those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Let the mutherfucker go to Chicago. The unions/socialist “community organizers” love him there.


In an ironic twist, upon his passing (that I’m not advocating), he is eligible to be buried in any of the National Cemeteries. Surrounded by the very same people he despises. Instead of an Eternal Flame, he can have an Eternal Oil Leak.

Let’s hope the Missus decides to keep it private…


When Obama went to Dover to pay respects to returning servicemen and women, you guys called it a publicity stunt. When he doesn’t go to Arlington, you chastise him. Sheeseh, the guy can’t win. C’mon, you can’t have it both ways.


Klingon war bride… Bravo.


Joe…you know what…I’m just not going to waste my time.



Are you always so obtuse? It wasn’t a Publicity Stunt. It was a Photo Op. His handlers realized that he was ignoring that segment of Society, and thought he would gain some points by “showing up”.

I’ll give him points for learning the rendering of a proper salute. His first attempts made Clinton look spectacular.

He wasn’t there because he wanted to be there. He was there to boost ratings. Instead of slipping in under the cover of darkness. he could have announced what he was doing and garnered support. He weaseled out, to save points with the left side of his backers.


Frankly Opinionated

I’ll say it for you.
When he went to Dover is WAS a publicity stunt. Took full camera crew and press. Seems his predecessor went on the sly and left the press wondering where he was at that time, not sure but I believe that was the scenario. And, you are right, the guy can’t win. You need a modicum of class to be a winner and he has NONE!

Nuf Sed


If I am not mistaken his predecessor just a day or two later was at the hospital at Ft. Hood visiting those who were hurt without a camera crew, like he routinely did throughout his time as pres. Here is an odd tidbit I didn’t know untill recently, Bush had met with mother sheehag (I wont dishonor casey sheehan by associating her with him by name) before her little campout. If this president had half the class of Bush maybe he would get a little bit of respect from us.

Old Tanker


I may be mistaken but I believe he met her twice……

USMC Steve

And Bush should have put a boot up her big ol’ ass both times. It might have reseated her brain housing group.


So much for learning from history…


What would one expect from an allegedly illegal President?? He hates America and continually has shown disrespect towards America, her ideals, and those that protect her. I can’t wait until he’s out of office, either by impeachment or his major loss in 2012.


1983: Reagan attended summit meeting; Defense Department official Thayer laid wreath at Arlington. Deputy Secretary of Defense W. Paul Thayer laid a wreath at Arlington Cemetery during the Memorial Day ceremony in 1983, according to a May 31, 1983, Washington Post article (accessed via Nexis). The AP reported that President Reagan attended a “summit meeting in Williamsburg, Va., with leaders of the industrialized democracies.”

1992: George H.W. Bush allowed VP Quayle to lay wreath. In 1992, Vice President Dan Quayle laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, according to a May 26, 1992, Boston Globe article (accessed via the Nexis database). The Globe reported that President George H.W. Bush attended a wreath-laying ceremony and made brief remarks at an American Legion hall in Kennebunkport, Maine, where he also played a round of golf.

Veterans Day 2007: Cheney attends ceremony to pay tribute at Arlington as Bush remained in Texas. On November 11, 2007, the AP reported that “President Bush honored U.S. troops past and present at a tearful ceremony Sunday for four Texans who died there.” The AP further reported that “Vice President Dick Cheney went to Arlington to pay tribute to Iraq veterans.”

Thank You J

At least you see the hypocrisy…