Matthis: I’m less of a man

| May 25, 2010

This is a video of the talk that Matthis is giving to our school-age children as part of his anti-recruiting efforts entitled “We Are Not Your Children”. As I demonstrated yesterday, Matthis never deployed to war, but in this video (at about 2:15) the video introduces him as an “Iraq War Veteran” – you may want to remove sharp objects from your reach as you watch this;

The purpose of this whole (long-winded) speech is to convince Americans to stop supporting Matthis’ “brothers and sisters” in the military. He claims he’s less of a man because of what the military took from him – he’s less of a man because he continues to lie about his service.

There are rumors I’ve heard that there are a few members of IVAW who plan to leave the organization because of this video, so watch the video while you still can – the leadership of IVAW tends to cover up their missteps than deal with them.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Well… I do agree he’s less of a man. These asshats need to be confronted at the schools they’re speaking at, in front of the students they’re bullshitting.

B Woodman

I always thought that, in order to be LESS of a man, you had to BE a man in the first place.
Which does NOT seem to apply to Matthis.
Where is he due to show up next?


I could not finish the video, even after several tries.


I couldn’t finish it either. What a crock of crap.

Frankly Opinionated

Thank you for watching the crap that I won’t. Your credentials are such that I can confidently take your word for the content, therefore saving myself the spike in blood pressure. And old fart like me might go into cardiac arrest over such shit as he spews.
Like a commenter on a recent post on this shitstain posed- Any way we can get his schedule? I would proudly drive 100 or so miles one way to confront him in front of “his” audience. Knowing that he wouldn’t dare let us know where he is spewing, as that would cause him irreparable damage; we will just have to find some other source of info on his scheduling. Perhaps Greyhound Bus service may let us know?

Nuf Sed

Casey J Porter

You can contact IVAW here:

Phone: 646-723-0989

E-Mail: / /


I want to know when we get to see the videos of you guys showing up and explaining to the teachers, school admins and the kid’s parents how a known rapist and liar is being allowed free reign to say and so whatever he likes in at these schools.

Were I a parent to any of these children, and then found out the truth about this slug of a human being being permitted to talk to my kids…..I would be very, very angry, to say the least.

I have to assume there is no real effort (outside of the great work you do) to make sure people in the schools, etc, be made aware of Matthias’s history….hell, his own father will provide testimony showing why he is not fit to be a ‘public speaker’ for children.
He shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near a school to begin with!

Casey J Porter

Mary, I am working on a plan for that.


Is there a blue falcon out there bigger than this guy?

Seriously. This guy is a fucking sack of shit.


Fred….yeah,LTC James Billings is a real piece of work and a waste of taxpayer money…aka “Blue Falcon 6”


I had to google the name because I had forgotten, but yeah, that guy is a waste too.


Mary, I would hammer away at O’Reilly or Hannity or Beck or anyone at Fox News, but the notoriety would only thrill and encourage Matthis, and further shame his family.

Casey, please let us know what you find. Mary is right… He should not be allowed around these kids. The parents and administrators should be made aware of his background.


Ray, it wouldn’t be proper to confront them at the schools unless you’ve been invited. It is probably only individual teachers who are allowing him into their classrooms to speak to students. I think it would be very unlikely that a whole school would allow that. The principal of the school may not even be aware of it. I would check and see if the students who are there have the choice to be there or not. Arranging a public debate with Matthis, either at a school or other public forum, would be a good idea. Try not to cuss in front of the youngsters. If not a debate, perhaps just attempt to arrange equal time wherever Mathis goes in the interest of encouraging the development of critical thinking skills in the students. I would especially emphasize encouraging critical thinking skills.


It seems more likely that matthis is being invited to little “peace & justice” after-school clubs rather than legitimate classes. That makes it more unlikely that the school board even knows about the kind of dubious frauds that are being permitted on school grounds. Logically, who would complain when the guest is preaching to the same misguided crowd. As such, the school board, school administrators, PTA, and local media should be made aware of the teacher advisers who are letting such people interact with children.

Army Sergeant

Please do NOT call that number to complain about Matthis. You will not get anyone who can help you, you will get, on a good day, me. On a bad day, an intern coordinator. Neither of us has the ability to give you anything you want. You will only clog the phone lines and prevent legitimate veterans from getting the help they need and deserve.


With all due respect, what kind of help can veterans receive from IVAW? A referral to the GI Network? I don’t mean to disparage, but name one lawyer you guys have referred a service member or vet who actually has military experience and done good for the person. Do you have experienced advocates on staff?

Casey J Porter

I think it was AS, or someone else, that hooked me up with my Lawyer, who was awesome. I can’t remember for sure, I just had so much going on at the time. But it was the individual, not the organization. If a Soldier contacted me about resisting I would tell them not too. There is not a single organization I can think of on the anti-war side that could properly help them. Why should they go to your org anyways? So they can be called a war criminal? A murder? A racist?

While I was making my films the very limited number of people who helped to promote my films to a larger audience where not in IVAW. When I was attacked by those within the anti-war movement like Carl Webb and Doug Zachary no one got my back. But it’s clear, I can take care of myself.

You were also on the board so you know, or have a good idea, about how much money they blew through living it up while I was risking my future. Please, do not tell us that IVAW gives a shit about our Service Men and Women because when they allow Matthis to spew his crap or how they did nothing for me while I put myself out there, you guys just sit back a play nice because the “movement” and IVAW come first, not the Soldier.

Also don’t tell me IVAW helps with medical issues and other issues without some hard facts.


Funny how Matthis is so against Obama, considering he actual;ly voted for him.

Casey J Porter

If anyone thinks Obama was going to stop the wars is a fool. I didn’t buy into that mess.

Army Sergeant

Yes, we’ve referred people to experienced lawyers who have really helped them with their situations (such as the one we got to Casey, and I think it was me). Also advocates who have helped troubled servicemembers do what they need to do to fix their situations. We also created a mental health network of providers willing to provide free care to servicemembers and veterans in need. I personally helped get two suicidal soldiers treatment, I can’t speak for anyone else:

Casey, I know you’re upset but I wish you wouldn’t speak in generalities that are just not true. You know I have always got your back and those of any other active duty member that needed help, and others helped with the Zachary and Webb situations.

IVAW paid for mental health care, funeral expenses when people couldn’t afford them, and more. The fact that IVAW didn’t aggressively promote your films to film makers is not a fair charge. Who specifically had the time, ability, and knowledge of what to do? Also, at the time people thought you were making those films because of the soldiers and not because you wanted exposure as a filmmaker.


Hmm. Interesting. Does IVAW keep statistics? If this is true, then it is a shame that your group was supplanted by fringe groups and uncredible leaders as well as the impression that your top legal minds are the GI Network/Branum folks who never served but think they can “save” our poor soldiers who were “duped” or “forced” into immoral servitude.

Casey J Porter

Who said I wanted you to give my films to other filmmakers or wanted IVAW to help with my career??? They didn’t even promote those films with other anti-war orgs IVAW worked with. I’m talking about getting the word out there about my films and what I was doing, not some how pump up my name. Where the hell did that come from??? More to follow…

Casey J Porter

Ok, first, you took what I said and twisted it all around. Don’t accuse of me wanting IVAW or anyone else to help me with my film career. That’s a goddamn lie and you know it. None of you contacted Democracey Now!, Common Dreams, AlterNet, and others who are clearly sympathetic to your cause. Who did? Me and those good people I talked about that are not even in IVAW.

Helped with Zachary and Webb? That’s a laugh. I remember I was the one who had to take Webb on, not you, not IVAW, it was the “we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings”bullshit. Same with Zachary. He stole funds, but VFP seems to let him continue to do business and you still take money from VFP, for all those important parties and trips.

Your generalizations remind of the Bush Administrations “proof” that the war in Iraq made us safer…

Bush Admin: “The war in Iraq has made us safer. We have not been attacked since Sept. 11th.”

Interviewer: “Can you prove a direct link to prove that?”

Bush Admin: “Yes. We have not been attacked since Sept. 11th.”

Not one video testimony from these people you claim IVAW has helped with all these issues, but I can find mountains of videos of member blasting Soldiers.

They blast and ruin Soldiers futures, and you stay by their side. You put IVAW before Soldiers. You sat on the board, you had access to records and files that showed you guys were blowing through money while I was out their risking to make my films. You knew what was going on, you knew better, and did nothing.