Ye few, ye lucky, lucky few

| May 24, 2010

Some of you will be getting this in the mail soon. Be on the look out for your STD. Since I proposed here, might as well keep y’all in the loop.

For those who don’t get the hat, I give you this by way of explanation.

And if you don’t get the shirt, read this.

You wear that thing on your soul, not your body.

OK, Fine, you guys complaining about the hat, just watch one episode. Best TV show EVER.

Category: Pointless blather

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Blue Cyclone

STD – would that be Save The Date or Sexually Transmitted Disease?


“I’ll kill a man in a fair fight, or if I think he’s gonna start a fair fight… If he bothers me, or if there’s a woman… Or if I’m gettin’ paid. Mostly only when I’m gettin’ paid.”


relax, jane.

Lawyer for Hire

“A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he’s not afraid of anything.”

AW1 Tim


Isn’t that shirt supposed to come with a pocket to hold your D20’s?

What would be completely kewl, in a nerdish/dorkish sort of way, would be to have a pair of percentile dice hanging from the tip of that stick.

Either that, or use them to replace the balls you seem to have lost…. 😉

I worry about you, TSO… I truly do. We need to get together with a bottle of Jim Beam and a redneck briefcase of PBR and watch some football or something. Soon. Maybe get some profile targets of Sayton Manning and head to the range.


Sweet Jeebus, the hat is a crime against humanity. Tim has the way of it, we gotta get you a “badass” intervention stat.


It’s a druid staff, Tim. WoW is *so much* less nerdy than D&D.



I’m worried.


Nah, that ain’t no druid. It’s one of them Indiana KKK Kloodga sticks or something.

Plus- they aren’t naked.


I’m with Finrod, and I LIVE in NH. WTF were you licking/smoking/drinking when you bought that hat for $6.99 at Cumberland Farms?

The Sniper

I need one of those hats. The shirt maybe. Another wife would just be bigamy… mighty big of me indeed.


TSO–I’m one of the few/only people I know who actually rented every episode of Firefly AND the movie Serenity. And even then, that damned hat…even stoners in Laconia are laughing their asses off at you, man…

Lawyer for Hire

“Whoa. Good Bible.”
Best bible study episode ever.

But you’re gonna have to have some dogs fight over the hat for an hour before it has that right proper ragged look.

Army Sergeant

You realize, by wearing that hat, you are asking to have that ballad sung at you.

But…that’s pretty damn awesome.


yup. awesomeness that is Firefly. I only wished they would have continued the series. So much depth to the story that remained unsaid.




Cunning hat. Lovely lady. Would totally have been worth the drive to Indy, had I but received the invite. *sniff*


Sadly it didn’t take off the way it should have. Fox wanted the story to move along faster, and Joss Whedon (rightly) told them to piss up a rope. Although I do get a few knowing looks when I’m in a pissed off mood and mutter, “I aim to misbehave…”