WaPo; 3-in-10 Americans are racist SOBs
The Washington Post has decided the best way to mute discussion about Obama’s proposed policies is to call 30% of Americans racist right out of the gate on the front page of today’s paper;
As Sen. Barack Obama opens his campaign as the first African American on a major party presidential ticket, nearly half of all Americans say race relations in the country are in bad shape and three in 10 acknowledge feelings of racial prejudice, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.
The Post goes on to tell us that McCain is old – a point I’m sure no one else but the Post noticed;
Lingering racial bias affects the public’s assessments of the Democrat from Illinois, but offsetting advantages and Sen. John McCain’s age could be bigger factors in determining the next occupant of the White House.
…just over half of whites in the new poll called Obama a “risky” choice for the White House, while two-thirds said McCain is a “safe” pick. Forty-three percent of whites said Obama has sufficient experience to serve effectively as president, and about two in 10 worry he would overrepresent the interests of African Americans.
So, as you read further into the article, you’ll find that it’s really no different for Obama than any other Democrat candidate before him;
But to win in November, Obama most likely will have to close what is now a 12-point deficit among whites. (Whites made up 77 percent of all voters in 2004; blacks were 11 percent, according to network exit polls.)
This is hardly the first time a Democratic candidate has faced such a challenge — Al Gore lost white voters by 12 points in 2000, and John F. Kerry lost them by 17 points in 2004 — but it is a significantly larger shortfall than Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton encountered in their winning campaigns.
Even further down, the Washington Post says that even among those professing a bias, Obama’s numbers aren’t affected;
About a fifth of whites said a candidate’s race is important in determining their vote, but Obama does no worse among those who said so than among those who called it a small factor or no factor.
Nor are whites who said they have at least some feelings of racial prejudice more or less apt to support Obama than those who profess no such feelings.
So basically, the Washington Post is admitting that the most significant part of this article is their front page headline – that 3 in 10 Americans admit to race bias -I wonder how many of those who admitted to a race bias were Black and were admitting that they are more likely to vote for Obama just because he’s Black?
It’s a bald-faced attempt by the Washington Post to shame us into voting for Obama MERELY because he’s Black and they’re anxious to have a Black president so the rest of the world will judge Americans less harshly.
Meanwhile, we’ve got Spike Lee threatening that Obama will make DC a Chocolate City, according to Baldilocks. Bein’ that mine is one of the few white faces I see everyday, I’d say Lee doesn’t get out in DC that much. Oh, and it appears the guilt-ridden white liberals are harrassing Baldilocks, too. I wonder in what category the Washington Post would put Baldilocks’ political choice.
Oh, if you’re wondering why I did a screen capture, it’s because three or four times, the WaPo has changed their headline after I criticized them for similar behavior.
Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Media, Politics
Wow… To WaPo no news must be good news. Tomorrow’s Headline… “95% of Washington Post’s Polls are Useless” Say 8 in 10 Americans.
Saw right through me. Am I so transparent? I mean, I don’t support Obama, so I must be part of the problem.
Excuse me while I go engage in self-loathing.
Honestly, I’d *like* to support the guy – I’d love to support ANY candidate, except there are none that hold to my particular set of values. It’s not personal – they all suck.