Did the MSM Discover an Unprincipled, Empty Suit?
“In February 2007, I proposed a novel way to preserve the strength of the public financing system in the 2008 election. My plan requires both major party candidates to agree on a fundraising truce, return excess money from donors, and stay within the public financing system for the general election….If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election.”
– Barack Obama, November 2007
Of course this was a bald-faced lie and anyone with half a brain saw this coming months ago. The right naturally pointed out what pathological liar this clown is turning out to be but then something happened that I did not expect.
During the runup to the general election Barack Obama received up to 120 endorsements from the nations newspapers. Many of them lauded his support of campaign finance reform. But now that he has opted out of public financing those same papers are a bit pissed.
Of the editorial boards that opined Friday about his breaking the pledge, most of those that endorsed him during the primary were aggressive in their criticism.
The Philadelphia Inquirer’s called the decision “as disappointing as it is disingenuous,” while the Boston Globe’s wrote it “deals a body blow … to his own reputation as a reform candidate.” And The Baltimore Sun’s editorial called it “a major disappointment for those struggling to restrain the pernicious influence of special interests in American politics.”
The New York Times’ editorial board, which endorsed Clinton after allegedly leaning toward Obama, wrote that “Obama has come up short” of “his evocative vows to depart from self-interested politics.”
The Washington Post opined that Obama’s “effort to cloak his broken promise in the smug mantle of selfless dedication to the public good is a little hard to take.”
And USA Today, which also did not endorse any candidates, said Obama put “expediency over principle,” was “disingenuous about his reasons for opting out of public financing” and proved he’s not a “real reformer.”
Captain Renault: I’m shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
The reason this caught me a bit by surprise is that it is nothing more than a continuation of a long pattern of lies from Obama. There is a great list of his proven lies here.
But this is no different than blasting NAFTA while pandering in Ohio then sending his economic advisor to the Canadians whispering; it’s okay, he’s just pandering.
Or his claim to immediately withdraw from Iraq but when his foreign policy advisor is cornered on the question she said that he would naturally have to “re-assess” that position once in office.
This man is nothing more than a political opportunist and opportunist lie; a lot.
Category: Politics
WHAT? A liberal, socialist, democrat, (redundant, aren’t I?), lie, actually lie; to those who would elect him? I am aghast, sort of. Again, they’ll never, ever let the facts get in the way of their goals.
nuf sed
The thing about this is that nobody is asking why…Why would he diss the tax return box checkers? Because, you Obamessiah followers, FYI…he has Soreass in his back pocket.
Next question: How is that these people at Obama fundraisers are able to donate to attend the fundraisers, when, if the media has it right- all the voters are the lower incomes, blacks and hispanics that cannot even afford gas to get them to work? It isn’t tax deductible, either! Hellfire and brimsotne,baby!! Just close your eyes and start singing Kumbaya. Will they ever stop closing their eyes and plugging their ears?
Hey! Give the guy a break! He told us he would provide “Change” we can believe in. I have no problem believing that he would change his story to fit his agenda. There! Truth in Advertising