Two Candidates You Need to Support

| May 18, 2010

Today, there has been pretty much nonstop news coverage about scumbag politicians. First and foremost, you have Richard Blumenthal whom we’ve been putting through the wringer here at TAH. Then you have Republican Congressmen Mark Souder from Indiana who resigned today after admitting to an affair with a staffer. Souder was a “do as I say, not as I do” morality crusader who was a shaky fiscal conservative and he barely won the Republican primary two weeks ago. Only after it seemed inevitable that the story of his affair would come out and only after he had wasted his party’s time and resources did he admit to the affair. And last but certainly not least is Arlen Specter, the man whose ideology is whatever is politically expedient at the time. After openly admitting to jumping parties to win reelection, he gets stomped by Joe Sestak, whom the Obama administration tried to bribe to get out of the primary by offering him the position of Secretary of the Navy.

So, as a change of pace, lets talk about two candidates who we need to get elected to the Congress. More below the fold…

The first is Rob Simmons, who a lot of you are mentioning in the comments on the Richard Blumenthal posts.

Rob Simmons served 19 months in Vietnam (actually IN Vietnam, not during the Vietnam War) first as a private in the Infantry and then later as an intelligence officer. He would serve over thirty years in the Army and Army Reserve, retiring as a Colonel. During his time in the Army, he earned two bronze stars. Simmons also served in the CIA and later served as a staffer on the House intelligence committee. Simmons served three terms in the Congress and from looking at his record, he was pretty fiscally conservative and helped pass legislation to streamline the VA. Since announcing his candidacy, his main opponent has been Linda McMahon (CEO of WWE wrestling, which is real classy institution). Despite being outspent, Simmons has led in McMahon in several polls.

Simmons obviously has a wide-range of experience and is an honest-to-god Vietnam veteran who stepped up to the plate when his country needed him.

The next person is Illario Pantano, who is running for Congress from North Carolina.

Most of you know Pantano’s story and if you don’t read up on it here. Pantano won the Republican Primary for his district, however as COB6 detailed in a post earlier today, he is being attacked by two wackjobs who ran against him in the primary and who are trying to make an issue of his time in Iraq. Pantano has a good chance of winning the race against the incumbent Democrat and these losers are trying to ruin it for him. Like Simmons, he is another REAL combat veteran who could do a lot of good in the Congress.

We could use more quality people like Pantano and Simmons in government. Even if you don’t live in their states or district, do what you can to support them. Something as simple as adding them on Facebook or sending a few dollars their way can help a lot.

Category: Politics

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Toothless Dawg

… and in the NY Republican Primary Dan Maloney is worthy of support. He often posts here as DanNY and is very active in the Gathering of Eagles and other organizations.


Added Pantano as a photo contact on Flicker and will add him as a contact on Facebook when I’m able. Looks like the type of person we need more of in Washington.


Sadly, there are a few GOP candidates who will NOT be getting my support–Rand Paul being atop that list. The voters in Kentucky screwed the pooch on that one, but meh, it was a case of the lesser of two evils there.


You also may want to consider Scott Taylor – a Navy SEAL running in Virginia Beach and, of course, Lt. Col. West down in Fl.

Frankly Opinionated

And lets not forget Warrior Jesse Kelly of Tucson AZ. Tuesday indicated that incumbants from either party are at risk of keeping their positions. I like that.

Nuf Sed

amazing stuff here

My vote is for the guy who took money from Jack Abramoff…Vote Rob Simmons!