Congrats, Skye

| May 19, 2010

Our buddy, Skye, who blogs at Midnight Blue and a frequent commenter here wrote to tell us that she won her committee seat against an incumbent in Pennsylvania last night.

It seems there is hope for Pennsylvania.

Tonight, I won a contested committee seat in the 57th ward, 10th division of Congressional District 13. In doing so, I ousted an incumbent committee person for this seat.

Not bad for a rookie!

Nope, not bad at all, doll. Congratulations and good luck.

Category: Bloggers

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Congrats, Skye! Just remember us little folk when you become President, huh?

AW1 Tim

Yeah, congrats Skye! Let us know if you ever need some “muscle” to deal with difficult committee members or Union types, et al.

I could use a road trip. 🙂


Thanks for the post, Jonn!

I certainly will remember you, OldTrooper, when I’m in the Oval Office.

AW1 Tim – I believe I’ve already scared a few of the committee members..which is a very good thing 🙂


This is good.


Nice going, Skye. Changing things at the local level is what is necessary. You go, girl!! Congratulations!