Kagan talk

| May 11, 2010

So the President has named his choice for the Supreme Court and SURPRISE! it’s a liberal who pushes a gay agenda and opposes the military. Who would have thought that would ever happen. In the Wall Street Journal, Bobby Clark tries to explain away Kagan’s anti-military policy by blaming it on Harvard policy;

I, along with many faculty and students, publicly stated our opposition to the military’s policy, which we considered both unwise and unjust, even as we explicitly affirmed our profound gratitude to the military. Virtually all law schools affiliated with large universities did the same.

When Ms. Kagan became dean in July of 2003, she upheld this newer policy.

So, you see it’s not her fault, as long as you accept the fact that she had no free will and she was forced to adhere to liberal policy. Ezra Klein makes the point that Kagan has a “this record”;

There are at least two reasons that it’s hard to say whether Elena Kagan is a “good” or “bad” pick for the Supreme Court. First, her thin written record means we don’t have enough evidence to answer our questions.

So we’re stuck judging her on what she’s done – at Harvard, she threw military recruiters under the bus in favor of making the politically correct decision to condemn “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, the Clinton Era policy.

Wesley Pruden writes;

Mzz Kagan has always tried to keep her opinions hidden or cleverly camouflaged, as if she might one day want to be a stealth candidate for the court. She has been open and passionate only about expanding rights of gays and lesbians at the expense of everyone else.

I don’t trust ugly little trolls who put their sexual proclivities ahead of our National Security.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Military issues

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“I don’t trust ugly little trolls…” Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black, huh Jonn?


Actually, a correction. DADT is a law, passed by the US Congress and signed by the President. The military does not have any choice in following the law.

Common liberal lie. Disguise your anti-military bias by objecting to something Congress did and saying the military did it by choice.

And, just as an observation, President Obama has now gotten to name one supreme court justice per year, two so far. President Bush only got to name a grand total of two in eight years. But yet the Supreme court is considered centrist.

Oh well, back to filling out forms. I love the Army.


“Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black, huh Jonn?”

And the tea kettle chimes in…


Well, ROS, you know the old saw about not being able to argue a point? Joey can’t, so he throws stones. Note that Joey didn’t extol the virtues of this SC pick. That’s because there aren’t any virtues to extol.
Can anyone even imagine the reaction of the left, had a SC Justice made the announcement that he/she would only retire when Bush was President, so as to “allow” him to make a pick? Yet, the liberals don’t bat an eye, in fact, they act like this is the way things are supposed to be, O can make all the appointments he wants.


No, Ros, I’m tall, handsome, and very untroll-like….


I thought Elena Kagan was totally believable in “Paul Blart: Mall Cop”.


Only if you click your heels 3 times, Joe. C’mon, you can do it.

And UpNorth, that would be due to the same reason the ACLU isn’t all over the kids in California’s 1st Amendment rights being trampled all over: It only works that way if you’re liberal.


Exactly right, ROS. Joey has gotten to the point of delusional, maybe totally schizo, imagining himself to be young, tall, and handsome. He’s old, self-admitted, and is definitely a troll.


I’m an excellent driver….