What’s up with teachers and the American flag?

| May 11, 2010

A couple of you have sent me some stories about teachers and the American flag in the last few days and i’m wondering what is being taught in Education Departments these days.

From ClickOrlando, FL;

View more news videos at: http://www.nbcbayarea.com/video.

From KSBW, Salinas, CA;

Tracy Hathaway said her art teacher at Gavilan View Middle School told her daughter she couldn’t draw the American flag, calling the picture offensive.

Kids getting kicked out of school for wearing flag T-shirts and chastised for drawing an American flag? It seems to me that teachers are more preoccupied with making political statements than teaching these days.

Category: Society

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“It seems to me that teachers are more preoccupied with making political statements than teaching these days.”

it’s not just “these days”. They’ve been doing it for as long as I’ve been alive.

Liberals don’t have children of their own, so they have to brainwash ours. It’s a pretty effective strategy, too.

John Dewey was the father of modern American education. John Dewey is also a communist. He was the Kevin Jennings/Van Jones of his time.


I got as far as “…wondering what…” and frankly, they are not teaching jack. With music basically gone from weekly singing and no choral performances unless we’re talking high school, my kids barely know the words to any patriotic songs, save the Nat’l Anthem.

It’s despicable to me that we must bend and break to show our tolerance of other cultures, races and yet, those same people show no gratitude or allegiance to what they have gained from living here. Many have not assimilated and act as if we owe them something. Bullshit. But don’t worry. It will all be coming to a head. Either with voting or other means if we intend to take our Republic and our schools back from the idiots running the show.

Frankly Opinionated

Anti-Flag, Anti-America,,,,,just more of the liberal left loonies. They dislike that this is the number one country on the planet, and do everything possible to remove National Pride from our Youth. This is all good inspiration for my art design endeavor, giving me much wanted sales in my online shop. Most recently with this design:
Bring it on liberals, You throw a rock and we will throw a mountain.

Nuf Sed


Ben said it just right. For some reason it’s just in style to report it.


I don’t know how many of you have kids presently in Elementary education but believe me this is nothing out of the ordinary. I have a 5th grader and a 3rd grader. They are constantly bringing home papers on Global Warning, the environment, endangered animals. My oldest was taught in school that dolphins are smarter than humans.

2 years ago at our “Winter Chorus” concert, (they don’t do “Christmas” anything anymore) the music teacher introduced the chorus and in her bubbly, chipper voice talked about how wonderful this season was and how full of “Hope” and “Change” it was (her words exactly). I thought I was going to retch. Just outside of her music classroom she has a poster prominently displayed of all of the world’s newspaper headlines the day after the O’s anointment. It’s also the first year the school board decided, without input from anyone, to make every inauguration day a holiday. I will lay odds that it won’t last more than 4 years.

My point is that schools are full of left leaning liberals with no balancing thoughts or ideas presented. I know it happens in higher education, but by that time a teenager should have enough sense to filter some of the nonsense that gets thrown at them. Elementary school kids don’t have a large enough world view to do that.


Teachers? They’re f*ckin’ commies! What’s taught in Education departments these days? “Social justice”– equal distribution of wealth for everyone– but it’s not “progessive” to just call it Marxism (that would scare people off and make parents angry).