I’m Sorry Mark Potok….

| May 3, 2010

… it looks like you aren’t going to be able to blame the attempted Times Square bombing on white racists in the Tea Party:

Monday evening, another law enforcement official said the buyer of a sport-utility vehicle used in the bomb attempt is considered a potential suspect in the case.

The buyer is a naturalized U.S. citizen from Pakistan, and investigators are looking at more than one person in connection with the unsuccessful bombing, the source said.

Bummer dude.

Maybe that Taliban claim of involvement might not be BS after all…

Category: Politics

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And the nailed him at the JFK airport as he was trying to get out of the country to Dubai. I LOVE it!

USMC Steve

You are again making the false assumption that this leftist assbag will be impeded by the facts of the situation from making his mentally retarded statements of fantasy. He will not be disuaded in the least from doing so. What he makes up in his damaged brain housing is his reality and should be ours as well he thinks.