Legionnaire warns cops of bomb in Times Square

| May 3, 2010

TSO sends this video of a Fox News interview with the Legionnaire who warned NYPD about the failed bomb attempt in Times Square Saturday night;

So Army Sergeant was right. The Stopped Clock Theorem. 🙂

Category: Terror War

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Unfortunately, the MSM, talking heads, and politicians have been wrong on just about everything else, starting with trying to pin this on a “white guy”. Maybe they can go down to Maryland and get Chief Moose to give out another description of a white guy in a white van…

Army Sergeant

If in fact this thing was not far from detonation, it means once again vets came to the rescue and saved many lives.

Casey J Porter

POLICE ACADEMY 27: Veterans On Patrol

amazing stuff here

NHSparky…does it really matter if the guy is a white guy or a black guy. Of course it does to you.

Old Tanker


fucking it all up again, aren’t you…..of course it doesn’t matter to Sparky….can you actually read? He’s pointing out that it obviously mattered to the MSM, they were pointing to a “white guy” the whole time in the hopes it was the stereotypical tea party person (see Mayor Bloomingidiots comment)


ash…dipshit…let me type this real slow so you understand…the MSM, law enforcement, the government, et al, have become such PC pussy-whipped assholes they can’t state the patently obvious, and in the back of their minds, they don’t WANT it to be Islamists, but rather those “racist teabaggers”, as if that will somehow provide some small modicum of validation to their bullshit.

But once again, they’re wrong, and rather than come correct and admit it, they just slink silently away–or in Chief Moose’s case, quietly retire and write a book nobody bought. If you need any more proof, ask yourself how many times MSNBC, CNN, et al, have revisited the “white guy” meme, or even brought up the story at all today.