Sniper hits record not once, but twice

| May 3, 2010


Rurick sent me a link to this Times Online article about a British sniper who made an astounding 8,120 foot shot – twice – taking out a Taliban machine gun team;

“The first round hit a machinegunner in the stomach and killed him outright,” said Harrison, a Corporal of Horse. “He went straight down and didn’t move.

“The second insurgent grabbed the weapon and turned as my second shot hit him in the side. He went down, too. They were both dead.”

The shooting — which took place while Harrison’s colleagues came under attack — was at such extreme range that the 8.59mm bullets took almost three seconds to reach their target after leaving the barrel of the rifle at almost three times the speed of sound.

The distance to Harrison’s two targets was measured by a GPS system at 8,120ft, or 1.54 miles. The previous record for a sniper kill is 7,972ft, set by a Canadian soldier who shot dead an Al-Qaeda gunman in March 2002.

According to the article it was 3000 feet beyond the maximum effect range of his weapon. Those were probably the longest 3 seconds in his life. Other sources say it was the Brits’ new L115A3 sniper rifle that did the job. But, ya know, if it had been just one shot, I’d concede that it was the weapon, but two shots, two kills – it was the sniper.

Craig Harrison, a member of the Household Cavalry also cheated the Taliban out of killing him twice in the ensuing weeks, when his helmet deflected a round and later he was injured in an IED explosion.

Category: Terror War

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Some one check my math, but I got 2,706.6 yards or 2474.98 meters.

Thats reaching the self detonation range of 25mm HEDP rounds.

My goodness. I am glad that the Brits still have warriors.

God save the Queen!


Sunny beaches, that was some DAYAM fine shootin’.


Now THAT’s gun control I can believe in.


I don’t like the idea of TAH and other news media giving out names so that our enemies can target these individuals or their families. Let’s keep it a secret who kills our enemies. Even if just the unit is mentioned that could lead to retaliation by our enemies. Let’s not help our enemies identify THEIR targets.

I do want to hear all the other stuff about the kill or kills. I hope to hear a lot more stories like this.


shutup douche.


Now that there is a right handy piece of shooting. Wow!


Dear Smorgasbord,

Go play in traffic. The names are already public.

That being said, I still want to get behind a .416 Barrett and send a few rounds downrange. From what I’ve heard of that rifle, that would be wicked fun.


Hey Smorgasbord, I understand your concern, but the cat was already pretty well out of the bag. Besides, it sounds like the Tallitubbies are already trying their best without success. 🙂


Looks like somebody has Carlos Hathcock as his angel.


Shades of Carlos! White Feather must be grinning ear to ear at this example of riflemanship.
“Kill the infidels..ack..”
“Achmed, stop fooling around we must destroy the pig-dogs for Allah. Praise B….ack..”

Smokey Behr

Why can’t they just call it the .338 Lapua, like everyone else does? What’s this weird 8.59mm crap?

The .416 Barrett was built as an answer to California’s stupid .50BMG ban. It hits almost as hard as the BMG, shoots as far as the BMG, but isn’t a BMG.