Times Square bombing attempt

| May 3, 2010


The Wall Street Journal , along with the rest of the media, is unconvinced that the attempted attack in Times Square was the result of an Al Qaeda plot;

It is unclear whether the Times Square plot had links to Islamic or domestic extremism. A Pakistani-based Taliban group claimed credit for the aborted attack in an Internet video, although New York police said Sunday they had no evidence to support that claim. Police were searching for a white man in his 40s in connection with the attempt.

Investigators have said that the crude explosives—three tanks of propane, two jerrycans of gasoline, and commercially available fireworks linked to a simple timing device—didn’t suggest much explosives expertise.

However, the construction of the car bomb was similar to that used in an attempted attack on a British nightclub in 2007 and also bears resemblance to plans for further al Qaeda-linked attacks using vehicles packed with gas cylinders, counterterrorism investigators said.

The media seems fixated on the “white man” in the video. personally, I don’t know how anyone arrived at that conclusion – he looks like he could be of Mediterranean or Semitic extraction. So I guess it depends on your definition of white man. So, I guess any minute, Mark Potok will be on cable news declaring that he’s been right all along about white terrorists based on this photo.

Fox News reports the motivations of the Taliban group accepting responsibility;

The militant group said the attack was revenge for the death of its leader, Baitullah Mehsud, and the recent slaying of al-Qaida in Iraq leaders Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and Abu Ayyub al-Masri, who were killed by U.S. and Iraqi troops last month north of Baghdad. The video also mentioned Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani scientist who was convicted in a U.S. court in New York in February of trying to kill American service personnel after her arrest in Afghanistan in 2008.

But rest assured, says the Washington Post, Obama is on this thing like ugly on an ape;

As the investigation unfolded, the White House said President Obama was closely monitoring its progress as he toured the Gulf Coast to assess the threat posed by the widening oil spill.

Yeah, the first few hours after find the bomb, DHS was saying that they weren’t sure if the incident was related to terrorism. That’s probably the most disingenuous thing that this administration has said since they told us Nidal Hassan was dead.

The Wall Street Journal claims that this is the latest in a series of attempted plots;

Over the past year, on at least eight occasions, people linked to radical Islamic thought attempted or carried out attacks on targets in the U.S. The list includes the failed Christmas Day bombing on a Detroit-bound airliner, the shooting rampage at Ft. Hood in Texas, three bomb plots foiled by the Federal Bureau of Investigation last September, and a handful of earlier plots broken up last spring and summer.

Yet, this administration does it’s level best to ignore the fact that we’re at war. Wish us luck.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Terror War

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Army Sergeant

Jonn, I’m saddened to see you reporting this story without giving veterans their due! The two street vendors who reported the bomb were disabled Vietnam vets.

Don Carl

Uh, so, let me get this straight… It isn’t Islamic terrorism, because the guy on the video is white? Somehow, that isn’t a blatantly racist and inherently stupid comment?


Two things.

First, based solely on that picture, I can’t tell at all what race he is. He could, of course, be white. He looks just like a shadowy figure. His race is indeterminable.

Second, does anyone remember the racial profiling debates in regards to air travel security? The argument against paying special attention to the young Middle Eastern men with long beards and shifty eyes was that al-Qaeda could just as easily recruit someone of a different background just to throw security off. The argument further stipulated that Muslim is not a race. Muslims can be black, white, or any shade in between. Which is true.

So, even if this is a white man, does that really prove that it’s not Islamic terrorism?

I like to wait for the facts to come out before I jump to conclusions. This could be the work of any number of groups–Muslim, white supremacist, militia types, anarchists, etc.


“So, even if this is a white man, does that really prove that it’s not Islamic terrorism?”

Not even close. Look at the Muslims in places like Bosnia, for starters.


Who counts as white to the Left these days? I can never tell. Most Arabs and Afghanis look pretty caucasian to me. How much of a natural tan gets you kicked out of “white” and into official oppressed minority?

Junior AG

What NHSparky ‘sed and, remember, caucasian converts exist, too.


2 things. Army Sgt. The two men being vets adds nothing to this story. Your crappy ivaw organization ignores vet status when convienent, such as all the members of your silly group that have never been to Iraq or anywhere for that matter. You opening your mouth about this is stupid and I’d appreciate if you went away, got your bs disability release from the service and enjoyed living off the govt for injuries you’ve imagined.

Secondly-“ugly on an ape”?
Way to throw in a monkey comment right after talking about the POTUS Jonn, no racists here…


Hey Mike,

To coin a phrase, “Lighten up, Francis.”


Wow… Mike, I have just one word of advice. DeCaf


Uh-oh. Decaf is clearly a reference Obama’s mocha latte complexion! Raaaciiist! Also, under the new internet speech codes no one is allowed to use the word “ape” in the same paragraph when describing, mentioning, or referring to Obama regardless of context.

For example, the following sentences are clearly racist and forbidden. “Obama is super cool. I really liked the cartoon Grape Ape as a kid.”

I hope I don’t have to explain how extraordinarily racist the above paragraph was. I only wrote it for illustrative purposes and I personally would never say I liked Grape Ape.

Per regulation #2478a “monkey bars” will henceforth be known as “freedom bars” and “monkey business” will now be “silly goose activity”.

Lastly, any mention of Michelle Obama is required, by law, to include a description of her as possibly the most attractive woman in all of human history.


So’s “black hole”.


I hang my head in shame. I shall never use a mocha latte related phrase again. Excuse me while I go to chastise myself for my insensitivity.


That’ll be one hundred lashes with a limp noodle. Or is “limp” verboten too? How about a time out, Ray?
But, hey, the “system worked”, right? That’s all we need to know, I guess. And it couldn’t have been an “overseas contingency”, so does that make it a “homegrown contingency”, or a “localised contingency”? Waiting patiently for the DHS to explain all of this to us.

B Woodman

With all this PC talk, what is this post turning into? A page from “The People’s Cube”? (ROFLOL!)