Gathering of Eagles

| February 9, 2007

As I reported here, ANSWER and their assorted loony friends are planning a march on the Pentagon on March 17th. Today as I read Flopping Aces, I discovered that some veterans on The US Veterans Dispatch are planning a human wall of veterans to protect the Viet Nam Memorial from vandals during ANSWER’s gathering of turkeys;

“The anti-war/anti-America group cannot be allowed to use the Vietnam Memorial Wall as a back-drop to their anti-America venom and stain the hallowed ground that virtually cries out with blood at the thought of this proposed desecration … it must not happen,” said veteran Bud Gross. “… All Americans are invited to support our effort, which is intended as a defender of hallowed ground and intended as a non-violent competition between those that would sell out America and those of us who support freedom and keeping the fight with the enemy on distant shores.”

The group defending the Wall will be wearing armbands to identify themselves. Those who are unable to stand with the defenders are being asked to wear armbands with small U.S. flags to show their own communities that they abhor the Fonda-Sheehan tactics.

“We’ll be there to act as a countervailing force against the Cindy Sheehan-Jane Fonda march from the Vietnam Memorial to the Pentagon,” retired Navy Capt. Larry Bailey said. “We will protect the Vietnam Memorial.”

So, any of you folks who are in the area, or plan on visiting here a month from now, take some time and show your support. I’ll be there – details to come later. I plan on getting photos and do a little better reporting than I did on the last protest.

In the meantime, USVD has a message board up.

Category: Gathering of Eagles

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