General Murtha speaks;

| February 9, 2007

All this yammering about Pelosi’s plane really didn’t interest me until I read this line from John Murtha;

Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., the Pelosi ally who chairs the House military appropriations subcommittee, said he has spoken to Pentagon officials about the need to provide Pelosi with a bigger plane that can fly passengers coast to coast in comfort.

But he denied pressuring the Pentagon. “I don’t need to pressure them. I just tell them what they need to do,” Murtha said.

I wonder if Big Shot Murtha ever read the Constitution  – the part where the President is the commander-in-chief of the military. No where does it say that some pickle-brained, pasty-faced, fat-assed, cut-and-run coward committee chairman gets to tell the military what they should do – especially by threatening to withold funding for REAL COMBAT SOLDIERS deployed in combat over something so petty as a non-stop flight for the Speaker.

I’ll grant that she needs a plane and I’ll grant that the military should provide one, but I’ll not concede that Murtha has the right to denigrate the military by declaring that they need to follow his directions. Especially the way he’s treated combat troops in the near and distant past.

This is just indicative of Murtha’s total disregard for this nation’s security – that he’s willing to sacrifice soldiers’ lives so he can suck up at lightspeed to Blinky the Botox Queen. As if we needed something else to point out his disregard.


Category: John Murtha, Politics

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