Rodriguez pleads “not guilty”

| April 13, 2010

Some of you may remember John W. Rodriguez who spent years posing as a reserve Marine in Phoenix that TAH readers had a hand in catching . The last we heard from the case, he was contemplating a plea deal that would have knocked off about 90% of his potential sentence.

Friday, the lead detective in the case emailed me that Rodriguez decided to reject that plea deal, which means he’s now facing up to 150 years in prison.

Hey Jonn

FYI John Rodriguez pleaded “Not Guilty”, so we will be going to court. By pleading not guilty he is looking at many years in prison.

He’s probably hoping it’ll be overturned on appeal as a violation of his 1st amendment right to be a dumbass. One of the charges against him is that he avoided a court date for a traffic ticket by telling the judge he was about to be deployed to Iraq. Since he wasn’t in the military, there’s no defense for that infraction.

He’d better take a big batch of lemon squares with which to make friends in prison.

Category: Phony soldiers

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There’s stupid, then there’s just mind-numbingly retarded. Yeah, I said retarded, sue me.


Is Branum expanding his “law” practice? Otherwise, Sparky is right, this is in the mind-numbingly retarded category.

B Woodman

“Stupid is as stupid does.”
(Forrest Gump)