Phony charity busted

| April 13, 2010

TSO sends this link to an article about a California man who set himself up as a charity for Vandenburg AFB and claimed to be a Navy commander;

Beginning in October 2006 and running through late 2007, [James Kent Barbee, 60] collected a total of $94,130, investigators said. He would occasionally don a military uniform when meeting with prospective donors, authorities said, and reportedly had a photo of himself in uniform posted on his website.

“We learned of the Liberty Spirit after a legitimate military officer, who is also a doctor, met with Barbee to discuss the foundation,” said Thom Mrozek, a spokesman with the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles. “The legitimate officer quickly realized that Barbee was a fake. The matter was referred to DCIS, which opened an investigation.”

This scumbag will be running around free on a puny $25,000 bond until October when he gets sentenced. The bail amount should indicate how seriously the judge takes this crime. The article says he faces 20 years in a Federal pound-you-in-the-ass prison for all of the charges against him, but I’ll bet dollars to donuts that he gets less than a quarter of that.

From another article;

At least one donor gave $12,000 on the condition that the money be used to make a video about a treatment facility in Missouri for veterans with PTSD, according to the complaint.

Instead, Barbee used a large portion of the money on rent for his Carpinteria home and other personal expenditures, court documents state.

That’s why I always check out any charities before I post about them here. There are serious scumbags out there waiting to relieve you of your dough and I won’t be a part of it.

Category: Military issues, Phony soldiers

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B Woodman

But even if he gets off light from the FedGov prison charges, let’s hope that the people he’s defrauded will hear of this & pound him in court on civil charges.

Sucks to be him. But he brought it on himself.


I’ve got relatives who work at Vandenburg and who live in the area. I’m sure they’d be real interested in letting the folks over at the Federal prison in Lompoc know what’s coming their way.

But $25K bail in CA? I’ve seen DUI’s without injuries or property damage that had higher bail amounts than that.