Charity; UR doin’ it wrong

| April 13, 2010

The last we heard about Stop Loss rapper Marc Hall, he was headed to Iraq for his court martial. He faced charges that he that threatened to shoot his chain-of-command in his little recording of a rap ditty. So if he’s going to Iraq, obviously, his civilian lawyers won’t be there. Can anyone tell me why his National Lawyer Guild counselors would need to raise money for his defense?


Now someone tell me how the anti-war Left isn’t doing what they do for profit.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Phony soldiers, Usual Suspects

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Army Sergeant

I’ll point out that civilians are going to Iraq a lot these days. I don’t think it’s impossible for civilian lawyers, just prohibitively expensive.


I won’t comment on what the profit motive is, but the majority of work lawyers do is not in the courtroom.



1. I have never heard anyone being allowed to go to Iraq that was not on military or government duties such as contractors or DOD civilians.

2. Even if they where allowed I am betting pennies to dollars that they would screw that up trying to get there. and find themselves with not enough money to get back.


Eh, if 3 peace and love hippy’s can wander from Iraq into Iran, I am sure some determined lawyers can figure out how to do it.


Civilian lawyers go there with some regularity and have been for years. It is quite expensive, they have to ensure they’ve gotten their passports/travel docs squared away, and have to work out the logistics with the respective commands. I worked with one back in 2005 who did his case pro bono; he simply wanted the publicity for his practice. I’m sure Hall’s attorneys are doing the same thing, using the publicity to drum up business.

Adirondack Patriot

Buffalo Veterans for Peace is not registered with the New York State Department of State as a not for profit organization. If it is a chapter of the national Veterans for Peace, they are registered as a 501(c)(3) for educational purposes.

Educational purposes does not include raising money for the legal costs of soldiers facing NJP or courts martial.

By reason of ethical conflict, I cannot file a complaint with the Charities Bureau of the New York State Attorney General’s Office. If I could, I would send a complaint to both the Charities Bureau and the IRS Not-For-Profit Division regarding Veterans for Peace and the Buffalo Veterans for Peace regarding this illegal fundraising activity.

Casey J Porter

If I post on here I am a right-wing nut-job that is pro-war by default. I still agree fully that the war is wrong, the stop-loss should be ended. Whatever anyone feels about this mans case, he deserves the absolute best legal reps he can get. Instead he will be used like myself, and others have been for various anti-war orgs to pull in money and then be quickly disposed of if he doesn’t toe-the-line. I don’t agree with everything this young guy did, in terms of mailing it to the Pentagon, but he’s in for a royal screw-job with these jokers on his side.