Hey! You Nazis in the back want to get in step?
Steve Yoczik is a pretty verbose guy. he writes long, rambling missives at IVAW that have no real unifying point so you have to read carefully if read his latest “Self-image versus organizational functionality, and the contradictions therein. (THE FLAG IS NOT THE ISSUE)“. Don’t worry, I’ve read the whole thing and I still don’t what the title means, but I did pick oout a point or two buried between the bloated linguistics;
There needs to be a reality check across the board, and that can’t happen if we’re all adamantly holding to our individual beliefs and thinking we know what’s best for everyone else.
Yeah, all of you better get step because we can’t have you “adamantly holding to [y]our individual beliefs”. You should only hold on to the beliefs that are approved by the board (in their spineless way of trying to make the communists and the straights both happy – and their constantly changing votes). Do you think the national Socialists would have risen to power if all of the members had “adamantly holding to [their] individual beliefs”? Of course not.
So all of you clowns in the back row better straighten out otherwise the IVAW won’t become a socialist organization and realize it’s internationalist goals. Think that’s not what he meant?
Che, King, and everyone else that is idolized or looked up to were nothing without those who unified around them. Instead of trying to be them right out of the gate, we should focus on being those that gather around.
We don’t need you guys spoutin’ off, just be good sheep and get in the herd with the rest of us. Of course, Yoczik absconded to Canada when he received the call so is this another attempt by one of non-combat veterans of IVAW to preach to the combat veterans and chide them for their service?
By the way, this is Matthis latest avatar on Facebook. I suppose it’s to give the impression that he’s the one being burned, not the flag. More of that martyrdom complex he has;
Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects
I thought they joined IVAW because the military wouldn’t allow them to “adamantly cling to their individual beliefs”
pot meet kettle…..
I don’t know if it was intentional, but the juxtaposition (there’s a $10 word) of the article on Col. Bernard next to the latest excrement exuded by IVAW is priceless.
Col. Bernard is there for his countrymen without fail. IVAW exists for selfish reasons, and is the collective epitome (another $10 word) of failure.
Matthis and his cadre of limp-wristed, bed-wetting egotists would be well-served to heed to example set by Col. Bernard.
As would we all AP. good eye on the conflicting examples.
So, in dickwad’s mind, Che is someone looked up to? Only in the communist world of murderers and dictators. But, IVAW seems to want to go down that road.
Che probably would’ve smoked said dickwad in his official executioner’s role they conveniently ignore, just sayin’!
Neither Che nor King should even be brought up as a REMOTE comparison. The hilarious aspect of the IVAW – and I’m sure Matthis will deny, deny, deny as he always does, even though I have witnesses to prove otherwise – is that, being my neighbor, he knew about the IVAW for a good year before he even remotely thought of joining their organization, and he gave not one ounce of caring to it until they bestowed so much upon him. I had corresponded with “The Indypendent” reporter Erin Thompson, whom I had met through a mutual friend and who referred me in late 2007 to the IVAW as a means of progressing my own freelance journalism. Fortunately for me, I had enough shit for brains at the time not to care about my writing career and enough oil between my ears to research an organization that would soon fall through the cracks. Still, during one of the IVAW’s events to raise citizen awareness in NYC, I had the opportunity to meet Jose Vasquez, who honest-to-God seems like a very decent person. Thus, it’s almost natural that he’s a push-over and that he will simply let what seemed like an honest cause to wither away until it becomes nothing more than a vile mutation and desecration of human hope. After all, it takes one to know one.