Project Hero and University of Regina

| April 8, 2010

There was some more thing about this story that I found to be interesting to say the least. One was this story from a guy saying that because he was a solider in the Canadian military that he can say that Project Hero is a waste of money.

Garson Hunter teaches social work at the University of Regina and is one of the professors fighting the Project Hero scholarship fund.

Hunter says that the dependents of fallen soldiers have post-secondary education already paid for under the Children of Deceased Veterans Education Assistance Act.

The Act was created in 1953 to provide dependents of slain and disabled soldiers the opportunity to get a post-secondary education.

“(Project Hero) comes with no (government) money. Project Hero is provided solely by the U of R,” said Hunter.

So if you want to say that the reason is that the school needs to help other students, then explain this statement from the University.

Barb Pollock, spokeswoman for the U of R, said the university doesn’t always know what funding may be available to certain students.

“We don’t look at what else is available,” she said. “For example, there are many scholarships and awards that students with Aboriginal ancestry can access.”

Pollock said the Project Hero scholarship will not stifle other scholarship opportunities.

“Every year, there are numerous scholarships available that never get used,” she said. “Through these scholarships we try to open up our university to as many people as possible.”

You mean that there is a large list of scholarships that are going unused? Never.

But giving Children who have lost a parent to war is a political tool.

“It is absolutely deplorable to use soldiers’ deaths to aggrandize military endeavors in Afghanistan,” said Hunter. “As a former soldier, I find this disgraceful.”

I wonder if Canada has a equivalent Freedom of Information act, because right now would be a good reason to use it.

Oh there is a facebook fan page that is protesting the actions of these professors. As of this posting it has close to three thousand members. I am sure that we can help put them over the top.

Also I would encourage writing to the school and making a case for keeping this program.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Foreign Policy, General Whackos, Military issues

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If he is a vet, he’s evidence of what f*cked-up things left/liberal social policies do to people’s minds. Screw children of combat dead because they’ve got enough already and that just glorifies war? Bite it.