On that “brave” healthcare vote

| April 9, 2010

We’ve heard President Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid praise Congress for their courageous vote for heatlthcare. But it seems that Congress isn’t quite so brave in dealing with the public on that vote. The Washington Post reports this morning that reports of threats against Congress members is on the rise after that vote;

The lawmakers reported 42 threats in the first three months of this year, compared with 15 in last three months of 2009, said Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Terrance W. Gainer, who had information about threats involving both chambers.

“The incidents ranged from very vulgar to serious threats, including death threats,” Gainer said. “The ability to carry them out is another question and part of an investigation to determine what, if any, appropriate steps to take.”

But are threats really on the rise?

“Normally, we don’t give publicity to this,” said Rep. Dan Lungren (Calif.), the ranking Republican on the House committee that oversees the Capitol Police.

Maybe what’s on the rise is Congress desire to besmirch the public outcry against them which has put Congress on the defense for their very jobs. What’s on the rise is their desire to report the threats.

Of course, this won’t work either. Congress members have erected physical barriers between them and their constituents to reinforce the ideological barriers.

In response to the threats, Capitol officials have been working to ensure that the 454 Senate offices across the country are secure. Some of the offices, a quarter of which are in federal buildings, are receiving additional equipment to help with the screening of mail. In other instances, law enforcement officials are recommending new locks and surveillance cameras.

Well, so much for the “brave” Congress members who apparently don’t have the testicular fortitude to face the fruits of pissing off the folks what brung ya.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Congress sucks

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I’d be curious to see the FBI stats on threats received by members of Congress as a regular course of business and during times of controversy. I’m guessing the recent wailing and gnashing of teeth over this issue would be comparable to other times of contentious policy wrangling that stir up each side’s base.


AND they continue to scurry for the woodwork- Vermin that they are.


Sounds like a backhanded way of supporting the threatening legislators you don’t happen agree with. What a bunch of poor losers. You obviously forgot all the lessons you learned about sportsmanship in your Junior High football league. Man, am I glad people like you aren’t in charge. Squirm, baby, squirm.


Suck a grenade, Joe–if it was such a good piece of legislation and people were willing to stand up for their actions, Dems wouldn’t be retiring in droves. Stupak announced he won’t be running again today, and word out has it even Bwaney Fwank won’t run in November.

BTW–I’m still waiting for the FBI to arrest those folks who have threatened GOP lawmakers, or the ones who threatened Stupak when he was AGAINST abortion before he was for it.


Joe you seem to forget that we are on the same team when one “side” loses then both sides lose. Right now we have a group of people who like to say they are brave in the face of danger, but are too afraid of what might happen to them due to their actions. They compared themselves to MLK, but he wasn’t afraid of the consequences of his actions. Everyday, it seems as though government seperates itself more and more from the people. When it becomes that they see themselves as a different class they need to be reminded that they aren’t a seperate class. Personally I don’t think that anyone in Government deserves any more protection than anyone else in the country. Hell Clarence Thomas flies coach.


No, sometimes when one side loses we all win, even those who are too brainwashed to realize they’re winning. I don’t accept your veiled threats, that law makers should expect to be threatened for doing their job. Brutal, treasonous philosophy. Your comparison to King is ludicrous. In one case, people are just doing their job; in the other, a brave man went into the heart of the bigoted, poisonous lion’s den, and was brutally murdered. No connection. Amazing what logical contortions you guys will go through to justify your ruthless ideas.


Joe I don’t have the time today so I’ll just jump to the good part… You are an idiot, I never made a veiled threat (is this something they are throwing around at huffpo?), and I didn’t make the comparison to MLK…read what I wrote again and try to figure it out. Are you lost out in the woods again?


Joey, which side would be the one who really “won”? The socialists? The freeloaders? The ones too busy to buy their own insurance? As for the brainwashed, yeah, you’re right. Those who see the government takeover of the economy, health care and anything else they can get their hands on,as truly good, are brainwashed. They still think, even after all of the evidence is in, that they can make socialism work, because the “right people” haven’t tried it yet.
You’re a prime example of that thinking, and believe me, it’s truly frightening that there are so many idiots still out there.


Something else that pisses me off about you joe is that you keep throwing around logic without having a clue as to what it is. I don’t think you would recognize logic if Aristotle himself taught you. Here is a simple question that you can probably answer with a quick google search: what is the difference between inductive and deductive logic?

Lance Coolie

Dude! People are mad at you for doing something they told you not to do on their behalf? WHAAAAAAAAAAAT? People are angry at you for thinking you know whats best for them, and using their own money against their collective will?

Jeez, consequences for actions? What is this world coming to.


“Sir! I think one of those sailors is Lance Johnson…er…Coolie!”

“Lance Johnson…er…Coolie, the Surfer? Where?”