Did I strike a nerve?

| April 7, 2010

Jason Hurd was at Winter Soldier II in Silver Spring, MD and testified that he ALMOST shot an Iraqi who wouldn’t stop when she approached his checkpoint. He ALMOST shot her, but then he didn’t – that was reason enough for him to sling snot all over the assembled hippies as he wept. TSO and I were barely able to contain our laughter.

Now two years later, he wishes an incurable disease upon me for my little tirade last night;


Nice. I guess I deserve the disease because I spoke my mind and my words struck a nerve. I wonder how Jason comes down on the flag burning issue? I wish Jason a long and fruitful life and I hope ALMOST shooting an 80-year-old woman is the worst thing that ever happens to him…after he grows up.

According to my mole in IVAW, this is how the voting went among the board on the issue; Since Millard brought the complaint to the board and the complaint was against Matthis, they didn’t have a vote. Cameron White voted to censure Matthis and Wes Davies hasn’t voted yet. Bryan Reinholdt, the public school teacher, claims he may change his vote later…I guess depending on which way the wind blows…but right now, he supports flag burning. Seth Manzell, who counts Noam Chomsky as one of his influences, Adrianne Kinne and Victor Agosto are solid supporters of Matthis.

I guess Jose Vasquez punted the issue again.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Usual Suspects, Winter Soldier II Live blogging

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Only 100 people on the planet know who you are Jonn. Looks like VT Woody has a lot of sockpuppets on this site I guess.


And Uncle Jimbo is 98 of them? Seriously, someone needs to tell ol’ Jason that wishing someone ill isn’t very “non-violent.” Just because you’re not swinging a fist doesn’t mean you’re practicing non-violence.


Swing a fist? Jason would have to either put on a hair net, or use a bottle of hairspray to hold that mop in place if he swung anything, otherwise, the effort would cause the mop to blind him. And then, he’d break down bawling.


But he thought about hitting John, which to him is devastating. Fucking pussy, all that little asshat wants is some attention. Guess mommy and daddy didn’t love him enough. Honestly, how do people like Hurd even get into the military in the first place.


Gary–I’m guessing you’ve never been at MEPS on the 29th of any given month.

Mike Boyce

I learned a long time ago never to put in writing what you are not willing to say face to face to a man and back it up. Wishing ill in words, miles away, after having “almost” having to use physical force at some time in the past is about as wussy and hypocritical as it gets. Life is not fair, it is tough, with many set backs and difficulties and part of the solution is to at least man up.

Old Tanker

Hey, I “almost” kicked Jason in the nutsack until I realized it was empty.


I used to know I Mike Boyce back in Nebraska. He went into the Army as a Tank Mechanic.


Been about 14 years since I was at MEPS. I remember many dumbasses but not any wusses like this POS.

Frankly Opinionated

Jeezus Jonn:
All this time that I have found reason to e-mail you stuff, I thought that you were world famous. Hell, my dog is known by more than 100 people, WTF? I have been sending stuff to an unknown? Holy shit, what a waste of my valuable time.
And who is Jason Turd, er Hurd? I never heard of him, but then I do very little reading on the chickenshit groups like IVAW.
,,,,only known by 100 people, sheesh!

Nuf Sed


Well, I got Jason beat, I almost shot 2 people!!!! So there!!! Take that!!! Does that then make me half the pussy Jason is, or twice as tuff?? I is juss wunderin…..