RSSWinter Soldier II Live blogging

So how do you know, Jose?

| January 8, 2012 | 19 Comments
So how do you know, Jose?

Yes, the IVAW is trying to get back in the news. The World Socialist Website does an interview with Jose Vasquez, the executive director of the Iraq Veterans Against the War in regards to the final Marine to be tried in regards to the Haditha incident six years ago; “Obviously this was a tragic event. […]

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Jason Lemieux: then and now

| May 16, 2011 | 8 Comments
Jason Lemieux: then and now

I was in the committee meeting room when Jason Lemieux testified to Congress at the Winter Soldier hearings. It was almost word-for-word what he said at the original WSII hearings in Silver Spring, MD. At the time I wrote; Jason Lemieux followed Kelly. He was discharged in 2006 – before General Petraeus took command. He […]

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Another crock of shit from Matthis, IVAW and Veterans Today

| February 9, 2011 | 22 Comments
Another crock of shit from Matthis, IVAW and Veterans Today

Yeah, M’kay.

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How hungry do you have to be to pay to eat a meal with Michael Moore?

| December 5, 2010 | 25 Comments
How hungry do you have to be to pay to eat a meal with Michael Moore?

Ya know there are hundreds of ways to give money that would help the troops, whether you want to help them live in a house made to the specifications which allow them to live a normal life in their own home, or buy laptops that keep them connected to the world despite their injuries. Now, […]

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Dahr Jamail: I said it first!

| April 8, 2010 | 6 Comments
Dahr Jamail: I said it first!

This picture is of Dahr Jamail (center of the picture in black glasses and dark hair), eminent journalist for He seems to be leading some IVAW protesters in their march on the National Archives in March, 2008, doesn’t he? Well, this photo probably represents that truth better than any Jamail himself could pen. Jamail […]

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Did I strike a nerve?

| April 7, 2010 | 11 Comments
Did I strike a nerve?

Jason Hurd was at Winter Soldier II in Silver Spring, MD and testified that he ALMOST shot an Iraqi who wouldn’t stop when she approached his checkpoint. He ALMOST shot her, but then he didn’t – that was reason enough for him to sling snot all over the assembled hippies as he wept. TSO and […]

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VVAW/IVAW links: Bill Perry [Jonn]

| December 21, 2008 | 19 Comments
VVAW/IVAW links: Bill Perry [Jonn]

This is Bill Perry of the old VVAW. Here’s a picture I took of him with Elvis Kokesh at the Ron Paul march last August carrying an upside down flag – that’s him, the sea cow-shaped guy, in the Black Vets For Peace T-shirt on your left; Here’s a picture of him in the VVAW […]

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Geoff Millard; the latest IVAW phony soldier (Updated)

| December 14, 2008 | 169 Comments
Geoff Millard; the latest IVAW phony soldier (Updated)

The anti-war movement loves the Iraq Veterans Against the War. In an interview, Head Hag of Code Pink bragged that IVAW gives the anti-war movement credibility; “The vet groups are our street cred,” a California-based anti-war activist tells me at the group’s barbecue. Medea Benjamin, co-founder of feminist anti-war group Code Pink, says the veterans’ […]

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