Pull out now! The war is lost!

| June 2, 2008


We must pull our police out of the war ravaged 5th District of Washington DC. This weekend’s death toll was 8 according to the Washington Post;

As District residents and officials grappled with what was already shaping up as one of the city’s most violent weekends in recent memory, another young man was fatally shot and still another injured in Southeast early yesterday.

No arrests had been made in the death of Edward Mitchell, 21, who was found bleeding from the stomach in the 4600 block of Livingston Road SE by officers on routine patrol about 2:40 a.m. The slaying remains under investigation, police said, as do the other shootings and stabbings in the spate that began Friday night. The weekend’s tally: eight people dead and at least eight wounded. (One death resulted from a police shooting in a domestic dispute. The man killed was identified yesterday as Clyde Tinch, 52, of Northeast Washington.)

Most of the weekend’s killings took place in the 5th Police District in Northeast, despite increased police patrols since a crime surge in April.

I lived in the 5th District until two years ago and moved when I saw the increase in crime. I warned my council member, Vincent Orange, a year before I moved that things were getting more violent, but he cited the decrease in murders as reason to be unconcerned. When it was apparent that no one was going to do anything, I moved.

But, to use the Democrat’s proposed strategy in Iraq, we should just pull the police out of the Fifth District and let the residents fend for themselves. It’s probably the police presence there that’s causing this anyway.

Category: Politics, Society

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I lived in a neighborhood in Rochester that went downhill liked the 5th District in Washington DC. The big houses were bought up by property management companies and subdivided into apartments. Those apartments were then rented out to mostly people receiving DSS Section 8 and the neighborhood started it’s downward slide.

Frankly Opinionated

Thank you Jonn:
This is just one of many illustrations that I use to justify my living either in the country, or aboard boats. It results in buying more gasoline and diesel for transportation, but I do not have to have an attorney on retainer to defend my right to send some home invader to the promised land. I do without some things for a day or two until I “go to town”, but other than that, I love it. I hear gunfire nearly every evening as one neighbor or the other hones his skills on his pistol/rifle range, (we all have one around here as we cling to our guns and our belief), doing his part to keep the neighborhood secure. DC, Baltimore, Denver, Detroit, New Orleans, or even L.A.; Inner cities are inner cities, basically owned by the thugs. Responsible people who are clinging to their right to be there, don’t dare do the right thing and clean up the neighborhood. And your past council member wasn’t peculiar in white washing the situation. They cannot bear to think that they need do more for you. God Bless America.
nuf sed

Jonn wrote: Well, I’m only here for the money. If I could find a job in the country that paid me so much for doing so little, I’d snap it up. We moved here from a tiny little town on the NY/Canadian border called Redwood that has a population of about 100 people in the winter. But there was no work – so here we are.

509th Bob

With the availability of telecommuting, there is no earthly reason why us U.S. Government worker-bees should have to remain in D.C. The political appointees and seniormost bureaucrats could all keep their oh-so-important offices close to the seat of power, while the rest of us could be dispersed to much nicer smaller towns where the property prices have not yet been hyper-inflated. The D.C. Government constantly complains about how much “it” has to spend to keep us here, but screams hysterically when somebody proposes to move us out of here.

So, unfortunately, there will be no pull-out. Instead, on a smaller scale than Obama’s political policy but otherwise just like it, we will continue to be held hostage here for the sake of providing easy prey to D.C. criminals.

Jonn wrote: Then watch the tax base fall off. It would just encourage DC to revive that “commuter tax” that Tony Williams tried to float two years ago. But I telecommute twice every week, one of the few in my office – my employer wants it at 100% by 2012.